Casino Guest - QuackityWasTaken

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Beware there is STRONG obvious sexual tension in this chapter.

Have fun.

Quackity got tired of staying in his office and reading useless pieces of papers about customer complaints, so he decided to have his fun around the casino. Maybe gain some money for himself, that's all.

Right now each he and someone else had betted 30 grand on a game they made up. No, I will not explain what game because gambling is too difficult for me to understand even though I watch Kakegurui. Anyways it wasn't looking too good for the stranger. Quackity had on his smug smirk, while the other had a deep frown, taking a gulp and gripping his cards. The dealer stood at another table, a bunch off poker chips on it.

She straighted her back and took a deep breath, "Reveal your cards in, 3, 2, 1, SHOWDOWN!" She announced, watching as both Quackity and the other man placed down their cards in sync. They looked at each other's cards. Quackity had won.

The man grunted in frustration, "THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY! YOU HAVE TO HAD CHEATED!" He accused.

Quackity quirked his eyebrow in amusement, "No cheats, only skills." He grinned widely, showing off his sharp golden tooth.

"Get fucked."

He watched the man grit his teeth in pure rage. "You owe me 30,000 now~" He sang, giggling after his sentence. As the person shouted profanity at him, he spotted a pretty blond in the distance.

By how it looked, the blond was absolutely dominating his opponent. He wore a black waist coat with a loose dress shirt under, sleeves rolled up and black ripped jeans. Long slightly curly hair dropped to his shoulders, his hair was so blond it almost looked white. He had light freckles on his light tan skin. His bright peridot eyes shimmered with long lashes. His black heel boots tapped on the floor. He had many braclets and rings, though had simple ring earings. He was unbelievably beautiful.

Unfortunately, his admiring was cut short when a raging man blocked his sight by standing in front of him.

"ARE YOU EVEN FUCKING LISTENING?!" He roared. Quackity scoffed and tried to lean to the side to look for the pretty boy he saw, though couldn't.

"Oh my fucking god." Quackity muttered under his breath, glaring at the raging man.

"Look, you lost. Fucking accept it besides spitting bullshit." He growled, getting up from his seat and walked away to both get away from the man and look for the pretty boy.

It took a few seconds before he saw him. Closer, he could see him clearer. And goddamn he was ethereal. Quackity glanced at the display vase on the table next to him, smirking and taking the blood red rose out of the vase. He tucked his left hand in his pocket and pressed the rose against his lips. Taking a deep breath, he approached the male.

"Heeey!" Quackity greeted, now noticing how much taller the other was.

The blond looked down at him with his vibrant green eyes. "Oh!" He leaned on one leg. "You look familiar..." He hummed, thinking. Quackity also realized how the man's voice was deep but in the same time high pitched... somehow.

"Oh! You're Quackity!" He chirped, eyes going half lidded with fond smile on his face.

"The owner of this fine establishment." Quackity confirmed, nodding his head proudly.

"Never thought I'd meet you! What're you doing out here?" The pretty boy asked. He was quite a talker, Quackity liked that.

"Nothing, just thought I'd have my own fun." Quackity shrugged, giving the blond a small wink.

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