Deceitful Emerald Eyes - FundyWasTaken

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The part two of "In That Moment"


  Fundy was at a loss. He didn't know what to do.

  He didn't know whether his lover was being true to him-

         Or if he was a snake.

  He knew what he saw.

  His second piece being pulled away and kissed by another.

       He couldn't form words. The sight of it was drilled into his memory even if it had happened for a second.

    Everyone crowded around. Everyone was yelling in rage and confusion.

  He was the most enraged and confused.

        "Why?" Was all he could ask.

   Because that was all he could think.

   Why would he do this do him?

  He didn't even get a response.

  Just a stare from those emerald eyes he had fallen in love with.

  Once Dream took that first step away, everything was over.

  He just stood there, watching as his lover ran away, abandoning everything.

  How could he just run?

  How did it happen so quickly?

        He didn't bother calling Dream's name and ran the opposite direction, knowing someone was following.

       He broke down in his dressing room, the same one he had been getting ready in for his love. He ranted to Wilbur who had been the one to follow him about how much he did and how much he loved Dream.

      "I- I don't fucking get it, Wil." He whimpered as Wilbur rubbed a hand on his back.

      He rested his head on a table, eyes welled with tears.

        "I did everything." He choked out.

      "I took care of him, I gave him my attention, my affection, my time, my effort, my love, I gave him my fucking all." He rambled. "... How the fuck did it all go to shit?" He took a sharp breath, balling his shirt in his hands, for sure wrinkling it. Everything hurt. It consumed him entirely.

       "I set this all up for him! All of it!" He could tell Wilbur was trying to piece together words of comfort. But god all he could feel was the dreaded feeling that dug in his chest and clawed at his ribs.

         The urge to scream. The urge to rip something apart.

       "Was he a snake?" Fundy couldn't hold back a sob, feeling tears well back into his irritated eyes. "Did I make a mistake?" He felt shame wash over himself, a hand going over his mouth to stifle his heavy breaths.

He sobbed and curled in on himself. He wanted to disappear. Everything hurt. He didn't want to be here. He wished he could be home. With or without Dream, he wasn't sure. He just wanted to feel warmth again.

His mind skimmed through precious memories he had with Dream, but now with a new light. Had Dream not been genuine throughout all of it?

Wilbur hugging him had ended his spiraling. And he quieted down as Wilbur spoke, "Fundy, I can't tell you for sure. But I can say with confidence that you did you're absolute best. And anything that happens in the future regarding him, is not you're fault."

He took in Wilbur's words, and felt only a bit eased at the comfort.

After a few long minutes, exhaustion finally washed over him as a result of everything that had happened and the emotional hurricane his mind was in. He sighed heavily and wiped his tears, even when more silent ones fell.

No, no, he wasn't thinking straight. He can't do this right now.

      "Wilbur, I..." He trailed off, looking at himself in the mirror from over Wilbur's shoulder. He looked horrible. Puffy red eyes, ruined makeup, tousled hair. He groaned softly and ran a hand through his hair.

"I just want to go home."

Fundy had went home.

Or- well his and Dream's home.

He should've taken up Wilbur's offer to stay at his house instead.

Because every turn he took he was met with something of Dream's.

Dream's pictures, Dream's favourite sweater thrown on the couch, Dream's shoes, Dream's favorite duck pillow, Dream's brush, Dream's blanket, Dream's jewelry.

Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream.

He couldn't escape it when it was all shoved in front of his face.

He wanted to shower, but he was too exhausted to.

So he made his way to the bedroom.

He really should've stayed at Wilbur's house

Everything hit him, the whole room being an obvious reminder of Dream.

He tried to ignore it and kicked his shoes off, taking off his tuxedo coat. Leaving himself in a button up and trouser, he finally laid down on the empty bed.

An arm covered the spot that was reserved for another person. A person who wasn't here with him.

He wanted to sleep. He just wanted to sleep.

He sighed and pulled the blankets over himself, sinking down into the mattress. Even with the blanket, he still felt cold. He looked over his shoulder and at the empty space behind him.

He felt a sob crawling up his throat, but he forced it down and took a pillow. He turned around to face the empty space. Then he hugged the pillow, holding it close.

He closed his eyes.

And he saw him.

Those deceitful emerald eyes.

A/N: I assure you, they're gonna get better. Just let them be sad for now. :)

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