Chapter 8

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Lexa POV

Earth, present day

We got to Tondc and I told the Skaicru people to follow me to my tent. When we got in, Indra followed us.

"Heda, we need to find supplies. Some of the people who were kept by the mountain men are not recovering well. Our healers can't do anything about it with the what they have she said in trigedasleng.

"Send a unit to the mountain and see what they can find. Send them in the morning." I ordered. She nodded and got out of the tent. "Where could Clarke be?" I asked turning to the small group of people that were in front of me. They all looked at eachother and then looked at me.

"She doesn't know about your return to Mount Weather, so she wouldn't go to you." Bellamy said. He's words made my heart break a little but I couldn't show it. I kept my face as blank as I could and started thinking of places she might have gone to. But the only thing I could think about was the fact that she's alone, unarmed and thinking I betrayed her. I hope she is safe but not even my men could last that long unarmed in the forest. I was starting to be really nervous when I remembered the place where they brought Lincoln back to life. "What about your home? The first one."

"The dropship!" Raven, Octavia and one of the men I didn't know said in realization. How could they not think about it?

"If she went there, she probably isn't there anymore. Clarke is not dumb! She knows that's the first place we would look." Bellamy stated. And I knew he was right. But I had to try.

"You're are right Bellamy of the Skai People, but she went there, there could be something that could tell us where she went." I wanted to leave now, but it would be dark soon and I know it wouldn't be wise. "We leave at sunrise. Now, get some food and rest. Tomorrow we'll start the search." As I finished those words I saw them nod and leave. Now I'm here alone with my thoughts. The anger I felt at the Skaicru's camp invaded me so fast I could control it. I punche the table and a loud bang filled the air. The Skai Princess is missing and hurting because of what she thinks I did. All I want is to hold her close to me and make her understand how much I care about her. Tell her she changed me. She made me feel things I wasn't able to feel since Costia's death. She made me understand love is not weakness, love is strength! And she made me strong because of that. But my people don't see it that way. They might respect her for what she did with the mountai men but they saw her as my weakness. And they could do anything to make sure I would be strong again.

After a while I saw Octavia walk in. "Commander, may I speak to you?" the girl wouldn't even look me in the eyes. She's learning fast but I still like the feeling when I know people fear me. I nodded in response.

"Why did you came back? Your people were safe and you made the deal." Her voice was filled with disgust and I knew I had to explain it the best I could.

"I never intended to leave you. We had a plan but sometimes plans change." I said blankly. Octavia was not pleased so I decided to let go of my mask a little bit. The thing with masks is that once they're up, they are stong as a tree. But when you try to take them of just a little, they fall to your feet. "Your people are the reason mine are safe. If it wasn't for Clarke and your thinkers we wouldn't be able to get close to the mountain. Like we weren't able to do so before you fell from the skies. My people's safety is thanks to you and I could let the one who helped us die. But I couldn't risk my people's safety again... The mountain men we capture was a witness, and a stupid one if you ask me. He told me they had an army waiting for us to walk in. They had what you call guns and they would kill most of us once the door was open. And Clarke was on the front line. You need her! You need her knowledge and strength."

"So do you." she stated the obvious. As much as I don't want to admit it, I do need my Skai Princess. Even though she makes me look weak to my men, she's now the reason I feel stronger than ever. "You did that to save her... To save us." she took two steps in my direction and I didn't feel threatened so I didn't move. "You came back even though it was too late. You went to our camp to make things right. And I know it must have been hard for you Commander. But you did it! And I undestand why you had to leave, your people come first. But you still didn't forget about us. And I want to thenk you for that. We all do!" she set a plate of food I didn't even noticed she had on the table beside us. I'm thankful to this girl for being so understanding. I get why Lincoln fell for her. She has the same will for justice as any Tricru has, but a heart that looks like Clarke's.

"Thank you Octavia of the Skaicru." I said as nicely as I could.

"We'll find her. If not tomorrow, the day after that. But we will meet again." she turned around and left and those words soothed my pain and anger. She then turned around and looked directly at my eyes. "Oh and don't you worry Commander, your secret is safe with me." she smiled and did this thing with her right eye that I didn't understand.

I ate in silence with the expectation of a reunion with my Skai Princess settling in me. This will be a long night!


This one is a long chapter! I hope you liked it. If you did vote and comment, I love them and I'll love you endlessly four that!
Have a great day!

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