Chapter 22

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Lexa POV

-Earth, present day-

I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in. Clarke was in my arms still. I still don't know exactlr what happened but I can't trust any other Sky Person besides Clarke. They're all furious because of what I did in Mount Weather. I knew what it meant to them and still disregarded it... Not completely but still.

I tried to get out of bed without waking the girl up. I grabbed her arm and carefully placed it along side her body. I put my right hand bellow her head and slowly pushed my shoulder out. When I wasn't using any part of my body, except my hand, to support her body, I put her head down as carefully as I could.

For a second I thought about waking her to ask what had happened but she was so peaceful. And something tells me she hadn't had a good night's rest in a long time. So I decided to take care of the letters I had to write. I grabbed the things I needed and headed towards Indra's tent. As soon as I left my tent I saw some Sky People getting up from their places around the fire and head towards me. Lincoln was in the front holding Octavia's hand. Why do these people do this? It just slows their ability to grab their weapons...

"Heda" Both of them said as they lowered their heads. I repeated the gesture and waited for them to talk. "May we have a word?" Lincoln asked. I don't know which of them wanted to talk to me. The group had five people and if they wanted to attack me this was their chance. Seeing that I was taking too much time answering, Octavia looked behind her.

"Didn't I tell you guys to stay over there?" Her voice was fierce, even I was surprised. The people I guessed were her friends tried to tell her something but I guess her glare was stronger than their will to speak. So they turned around and left. Two wariors... I faced worse.

I gestured them to follow me. I took them to the place I was with Clarke a few days ago. As I turned around I was grabbing the handle on my sword. Their bodies changed. Lincoln pulled Octavia behind him and got in a fighting position. I did the same.

"Woah!! What are you doing?" She walked to her side showing her hands and looking at both of us.

"I won't let you attack me without a fight." I clarified.

The girl started laughing and Lincoln's face softened a little bit. I find that disrespectful so I don't move. The guy was still looking at me so I stared at his eyes.

"STOP!!" She yelled. Oh, this girl is getting me angry.

"Who do you thonk you are to yell at me like that? I'm the Commander, I command! You're no one to tell me what to do or not to do."

"Well, I'm your one chance to understand what happened at Camp Jaha. Besides Clarke of course. But maybe you would let the people who attacked us kill your people just so you could save yourself just like you and Clarke did when the missile came." She started of calm but after she said Clarke's name she started yelling.

"You better teach your girl some respect, or I will..." I warned Lincoln. I think he understood what I said because he stood up and turned his back to me. What a stupid move. He was completely unprotected. On the other hand I couldn't even see the girl. I was intrigued.

"Why did you do that?" The words slipped out of my mouth. I couldn't even believe I pronounced them. The hairless man turned his face to me and that made him rotate his body enough to see that he had his hands on the girl's shoulders. He them lowered them slowly towards her hands and grabbed one of them. After that he turned to me with a confused look on his face.

"You turned your back to me. You were completely unprotected, and yet, I couldn't even see her... What made you be so reckless?" I saw the girl's face change to a even more confused complexion. The guy looked at her and I realized he tighten his grip on her hand for just a second.

"Heda, that is not being reckless. That's being caring. We are taught not to get distracted by emotions like love or affection since we're just children. But truth is, this girl changed the way I see things. Now I don't fight for saving my body, what I once thought was the guardian of my life. I now fight to keep her safe. She's my life!" He looked at her and leaned on to kiss her forehead. Somehow, that speach made me think of Clarke. Even though I had Costia before, she never made me question what people taught me. But with Clarke... She changed all of that! I don't see love as a weakness anymore. It makes you fight harder and be more fierce. She is now the one thing I want to keep in my life.

"I'm sorry" For the first time in my life, I felt the need to say these words. I wasn't fair. I haven't been for the longest time.

The girl took two steps towards me and put her arms around my shoulders. I was about to knock her out but she spoke before I did anything: "Don't worry Heda, I won't tell anything. Just put your arms around me." I do as she asks. This feeling is completely new to me. We usually do this after a battle but it never takes more than a second. I don't even know what it is called...

"What was that?" I ask as she steps away.

"A hug." She grabs Lincoln's hand and starts walking towards camp. "Come Heda, we have a lot to talk about." A hug... That is nice! I think I might like it. Can't wait to do that with my Sky Princess.


Hello beautiful people!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm getting ready for what is coming.
I need you help on something: I would like to know if you prefer the longer chapters or the shorter ones. Let me know please because if you like the longer ones I'll describe thing with more detail maybe...
Well, thank you for reading and the amazing support! You are awesome and i think I love you...

Lots of hugs and kisses for all :)

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