Chapter 21

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Lexa POV

-Earth, present day-

I have Clarke in my arms. I don't know what happened. The only reason she's not laying on the ground is because I'm holding her. My arms are around her waist and I look at the ground to see some red drops on the floor. I recognize it instantly: blood.

Is Clarke hurt? I lay the girl on my bed and she the blood stain on her shirt. I pull it up and see a wound probably made by a sword or a dagger.

"NYKO!!" I yell. I put my hand on the bloody gash on her belly and see the scar starting to form from her encounter with the man from Mount Weather. In fact, that same man is still in his cage. I almost forgot about him...

Nyko inside the tent and following him came Lincoln, Octavia and the one the call Bellamy. He had to pull me away because I don't want to leave her again. I could feel the Sky people's stares but I couldn't stop myself from looking at the girl laying on my bed.

"What happened?" I demanded without even diverting my gaze.

"Your people attacked us and took Alyson!" It was possible to feel the anger in his voice and I saw Nyko looking at me because he know anyone who speaks to me like that gets a punishment. And usually an unpleasant one.

"First, you are in my camp and I won't allow you to speak to me like that. You may not be used to this kind of rules, but here you do whatever the Commander tells you to. And I demand you to speak to me with respect. Otherwise, I will teach you how to do it." I looked at him and even know those words shook his spirit, he decided not to show it. Even if his behavior is seen as disrespectful, I have to admit, not many people tried to do it before. And it surprises me that a Sky Person was capable of such courage. "And second, my people know about respect and what it means. They would never attack your camp without my permission and that is not something I would do." I look at Clarke again and what once was a pale body, is now the girl I'm so used to look at.

"Commander, the wound wasn't too deep. I stopped the blood and closed the skin. In a while she'll only have a scar." The healer was standing between me and the Sky People with his head hanging low. I don't really like how people fear me but I guess I got used to it. It comes with the title of Commander.

I nodded. "You can leave now." Nyko lowered his head even more, turned away and started walking. Lincoln and the girl did the same. Indra taught her well! Only the silly boy remained. "ALL OF YOU!" I screamed and this time it got to him. He turned around and left with the others.

I lowered myself and started moving my hand on Clarke's forehead. I could feel her temperature lowering. I don't know exactly how long have past but I wasn't getting tired at all. Instead I started thinking: the letter and the supposed attack on the Sky People's camp... It couldn't be unrelated. It had to be the same person behind it. But who?

The list of people that wanted to hurt me or even kill me was being formed inside my head and I just now realized how big it was. I couldn't decide which one of them was the most likely to be responsable. So once Clarke is healed, I'm calling the leaders of the other clans and we'll have a so needed meeting.

I needed to start writing the message for all the people I had to summon. And relunctantly I got up and headed to the table with my back to Clarke.

"Why did you stop?" I heard a weak voice coming from behind me. Even though it was just a weak whisper, I knew whose voice it was. The true leader of the Sky People.

I turned around to face a half asleep girl. The morning light that was able to pass through the fabric my tent was made of, was lighting her face. And once again the only image I could form in my mind was of a goddess.

"You need to rest, Clarke of the Sky People."

"Come and rest with me." she begged. In any other situation I would see this as a sign of weakness but the way she said it made me have a completely different idea. And so I did as she asked. As soon as I layed down, she used my left arm to rest her head and her left arm rested on my torso. This felt so good. This kind of person can only be a gift from the gods... But what would I have to sacrifice to get to keep it?


Sooooo, what do you think?
I know, two chapters in two days, does this mean I will stop writing for a long while? Absolutely not! I'm too exited now! Let's see how much you guys cam handle ;)

Please, let me know what you think

Lots of love for all of you amazing people

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