Chapter 36

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Clarke's POV

-Earth, present day-

After Lexa said that we walked towards her tent with the guards close behind us. There was a lot of tension as we walked in and I was starting to get worried.

"I need to talk to Clarke alone." Lexa said more like an order than an information and the guards just left silently. Now I'm really nervous, my hands and knees are shaking and my brain is asking questions so quickly I can't even name them. "Why are you looking at the ground?" I haven't even realised what I was staring at, but I quickly looked at the Commander's eyes. They always surprise me with all they're depth, especially because not many people can see it. It is like our little thing, we understand each other. "Clarke," Lexa's voice was soothing but nerve wrecking at the same time. "I'm not going to paint a nice picture because the situation is not nice, specially for you." And it seemed like she was trying to kill me slowly because she made a pause and paced around the tent. I was so nervous that my brain was freezing like never before. This woman never did anything like this to me... She never seemed as serious as she is now; and I've seen her Bering serious.

"Lexa, just tell me already." I didn't know what to think of this I have a feeling something really bad is about to happen. As soon as I finish my desperate request, the brunette looks me in the eyes and opens her mouth to talk. I just divide on paying as much attention as I can.

"The prisoner finally talked." And she paused. What did she say that could be so bad?! "War is coming as well as the ice nation. They know of you coming here and she is not happy... She wants to take my place, Clarke, and they are the most ruthless of all the clans."

"But you've defeated their warriors already. How hard can it be?" I had to ask.

"Those were the small warriors. But that's not the worst..." Wait there's more? What could be worse than having a war with the ice nation? "They have an ally inside our walls." She took a deep breath right after and haven't talked for a while. I'm just waiting for her to tell me something else, but she's not talking anytime soon.

"Do you know who that is?" I asked more nervous than ever.

"Yes." She stated.

"Alright then... Let's find out what they told these people." I said while walking outside.

"Clarke wait..." I stopped. I could feel how nervous Lexa really was and she usually not like that. It shocked me a little bit so I stopped. "It's Alyson." WHAT? It can't be! There is no way Alyson would do something like that... No one know Alyson like I do and she could never betray me.

"How dare you?" I asked while I felt my anger boiling inside of me. Lexa was taken aback by my question and couldn't answer fast enough. "There is no way she could be the mole! She way too loyal for that! She would never betray her people like that... So don't you dare even think of believing anything that comes from that prisoners mouth!" And with that I storm out of the tent and go to the one place I could think of: the pawn. I'm walking so fast that twigs are breaking beneath my feet and I don't even care. I mean, what is going on with her? Accusing Alyson of working with the Ice Nation? Well, she doesn't know her like I do... but still. That's not right.

As I get there I sit far from the water with my knees to my chest. I look at the water and the questions keep flooding my mind. Then I hear footsteps behind me and I get even angrier. "Lexa, go away!" I yelled.

"It's not Lexa." I hear her: Alyson. I haven't seen her in a while so I turn around and that's when it hits me. She's the ally! She is not wearing the clothes the tricru gave her, they're similar but not the same. Plus, she has a different kind of weapon I haven't seen before in Tondc. "You know, last time I was here I saw you with her." She spat the last word. I was surprised with the amount of hatred she had in her voice but I didn't have enough time to process it correctly. "You were so oblivious to what was around you that I could've easily killed her and you wouldn't even notice until her blood was covering your body." By now she was sitting by my side, dangerously close. This is freaking me out! "I must say, I really like your scars, they look good on you." She traced the scar on my stomach.

"Why?" That was all I managed to say. My brain is still processing all the information.

"Why did I join the Ice Nation?" She lets out a laugh that makes me shiver. "They are the only ones who would give me a chance to get what I want:" She stated into my eyes with this crazy look."You!" She quickly get's up and extends her hand to me. "C'mon Clarke, come with me and we can have the life we deserve..." she paused again. "Together" she is delirious! There's no way this is the Alyson I knew and fell in love with.

"No" I mumbled. And then I felt her pinning me on the floor with a knife to my throat.

"You see, I was willing to give you a chance but now... I see." A devilish smile took over her features and I knew this was it. "Well, if I can't have you no one else can."


Hello everyone!

As I said before, this fan fiction is almost over. There will only be one/two more chapter(s) so yeah... I'm so sorry if this got kinda shittier every chapter but I lost my spirit.

But I getting it back hopefully! So I'm trying to write another story... this will not be a fan fiction. This will (hopefully) be something new.

It will be called 'Cerebro' and it will be a supernatural story (I think) :) I will post the first chapter right after this one so it would mean a lot to me if you could go and check that out. Leave a comment just so I know that you read this fic. It would actually mean the world to me!

Thank you so much for reading this! You are awesome!!

And here it is a little sneak peek:

"2056 has began a few hours ago and the world is going crazy! The government is worried about rebel threats from people who have been hiding in plain sight but still remain anonimous to everyone outside their group. They call themselves the "Cerebro's"; people with special abilities that only they can understand.
Our story begins when Scarlet, a not so normal girl who starts to recognize the signs of her powers trying to come out of the secluded cage in her mind and heart.
What's going to happen when she discovers she's one of the most wanted humans of the last 100 years?"

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