Chapter 9

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Clarke POV


Arc, one year ago

Alyson and I have been dating for four months now and things are great. I really think I'm starting to fall for this girl. I thought about my sexuality a lot and I've come to the conclusion I really like both men and women. That freaked me out a little bit for a while but I'm fine with it now. This is me and who doesn't like that can just go and be ignorant and judgmental somewhere else. But I'm still not ready to tell my parents or Wells. Since he's my best friend this is kind of a weird secret to keep.

Today I'm home with my dad, Wells and his dad watching soccer. And I was really happy! My mom came home and the atmosphere was amazing. Everyone cared deaply about everyone. And then my dad got a message and started acting all strange. He got out and I didn't see him more that day. When the match was over I went to Alyson's and we talked about it. She had met my parents about three months ago and they loved her, even though they still don't know what is really happening between us. She thought it was really strange but since my father is one of the engineers in charge, it must have been a valve that wasn't in the right place, she guessed.

The next day my father told me what was going on. It freaked me out! So I talked to Wells... He swored secrecy and I trusted him. I didn't talk to Alyson that night because she had something to do.

The day after my dad was arrested and the only person who could have told anyone was Wells. And I needed my girlfriend's support but I couldn't find her anywhere. It wasn't like her...

The next morning my dad was floated and I got arrested. I wanted to run and be with Alyson and my mom but I couldn't do that.

I guess it was a few months after I managed to talk to a guard about Alyson and he tould me he thought she had been floated. 'But she's not 18 yet'. I cried for days! And the only thing that kept me sane was the drawings I was working on. They reminded me of her and her spirit, her eyes and her lips. She was constantly in my dreams.

Not too long after that I was 'released' and my mom told me I was going to the ground. Me and another 99 people. 'They are sending us to die' I thought...


Earth, present day

"You know she came back for you, right?" Alyson seemed so serious about this I didn't have the nerve to ask her of she was joking. She must have understood I don't know anything so she kept going. "The Commander, she came back to Mount Weather because of you. She even left a sign for you! You haven't seen it?" I turned my head from left to right twice. "Then I'll show you. In the morning we'll leave to Mount Weather and you'll see it." I didn't know what to say so I simply nodded. "Now, let me clean that wound. He really got you good!" She said trying to be funny. Good, the old Alyson is starting to emerge from the shadows! Oh, wait! He?!

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me looking confuse.

"Who do you think hit you in the head with a rock?"

"You!" I answered before the word got processed by my brain. She laughed really loud and I couldn't hold back the snile that was on my face.

"Wow! I see that the sassy girl I knew is still there. I missed her!" The nostalgia got me hard. "But, honey, I wasn't the one who hit you. It was one of the mountain men." she said while she changed the bandage on my head. One of the mountain men? But who? I forced myself to remember the faces of everyone on that room on the fifth level. I knew Lincoln killed Cage but I couldn't figure out who was missing. I didn't even knew everyone there so it would be hard to figure out.

After a moment we both got ready to sleep. We closed the gate of the dropship and fell asleep really fast. I dreamt of Lexa again. But this time she wasn't leaving, she was walking towards me. Then I fell on the floor and looked at my stomach and a circle of red was showing. I was bleeding! The next moment Lexa was running in my direction, a loud bang was heard and she fell to her knees. The last thing I remember before screaming her name, was her mouthing 'I'm sorry Sky Princess'.

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