Chapter 35

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Clarke POV

-Earth, present day-

It has been almost two weeks since the first attack as an alliance and since then things have been progressing very well.

Lexa told me about the reunion she wanted to do with all the clans and just because things might get agressive, the grounders have been teaching us how to effectively fight with their kinds of weapons and our bare hands. Just like we've been teaching them how to use guns. We've been working together and even if we had some problems in the begining, we're doing pretty well now.

Alyson has been around me all of the time and it drives me crazy. But Lexa is the one who's almost losing her cool. When Heda sees her trying to hold my hand or trying to put her arm around my shoulders, I swear it is possible to see the anger and hatred in her eyes. It looks like she's shooting daggers. But once we get to her tent all of that disappears. Well... It doesn't disappear but it's channeled to much better activities.

I talked to Octavia and Raven about the Alyson situation and they started noticing some weird behaviors... Like she disappears in the middle of the night, she has this weird look when it comes to Lexa and me and once she was gone for two days. And now we're training our combat skills and she's not here.

"Raise your hands more Clarke." Indra tells me. Sometimes she's a pain in the ass but her teaching methods are very effective. I do as I'm told and soon the girl who was assigned to fight me started attacking me. I dodged three punches before I grabbed her right hand and twisted it behind her back. I held her there for a couple of seconds but when she was almost getting away I used one of the tricks Lexa taught me and threw her on the ground. I put my right knee on her chest while she was still in shock and used my other knee to restrain her right arm. That was something I learnt from Bellamy a few days ago.

*Flashback to a week ago*

I'm sitting on the floor eating lunch near the fire when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I grab the person's wrist and twist it while getting up and the person's on they're knees.

"Clarke, it's just me." I hear Bellamy say and I quickly let go of his hand. He quickly got up and looked at me. "I always knew you were a fast learner." A small smile grew on his face and I quickly reciprocated. Suddenly he became serious and looked at the ground. "Can we talk?" He asked and I simply nodded. Bellamy started walking towards the forest with me right behind him.

He stopped and couldn't take his off the ground. He was thinking a lot about what he was about to say, I could tell. We haven't talked much lately but Bellamy's facial expressions are not a complete mystery to me anymore. So I just give him time...

"You know what? This is stupid..." He stopped for a second to look me straight in the eyes for a moment before he looked away again. "We've been through too much to be in this state of not talking. After we came back from Mount Weather I granted you forgiveness and I hope you find it in your heart to do the same for me. I've been narrow minded but I know that this alliance is our best chance at survival. I'm sorry..." I wanted to clap at his little speech but it could be taken as insensitive so I just looked at him. I didn't know what to say... My feet started moving on their own agenda and soon enough I was hugging him. The shock was clear on both of us but it quickly disappeared. His arms settled on my hips in a protective way... Bellamy Blake, always the dad in the group.

"We all make mistakes Bellamy a nd if we're brave enough to recognize them as such, I don't see a reason to not forgive the person. Unless you killed someone with no reason..." We laughed like we haven't done in so long and soon he was offering to teach me some of the moves he learned when he was training to be a guard back when we were in the Ark.

*End of Flashback*

"Well done Clarke!" Indra said impressed. The grounders have been trying to learn how to deal with their emotions and some of them are doing a great job. It's a long process but I believe they'll be a how to find the balance between their old habits and this new thing. They also offered us some clothes that they took from the impostors when they went back to see if they could have anything worth retrieving. Lexa has been trying to exrract some information from the women they took as a prisoner but so far she hasn't talked much. I get up and extend my hand so my opponent can take it. She grabbed it and instead of getting up she pulls me to the ground and uses the same technique I used on her a few seconds ago. She lowers her head until our lips are almost touching and smiles. "Don't let your guard down, princess." She spat. "Betrayal doesn't come from your enemies." As soon as she ended this she was gone... She just got up and went inside the forest. That was weird! I try to remember if I had seen her before but I don't think I have. And if I haven't seen her, how was she assigned to fight me, to train me?

"Clarke" I hear the Commander's voice and I realise that I haven't moved an inch. "Are you okay?" She asks with a blank expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I state as I get up.

"We have a problem." Lexa says, getting closer. For a second I thought she was going to ta me me right there until I saw the guard behind her. Something bad is coming.


Happy new year everyone! I wish you have the best year possible with everything you love and deserve!

I have to tell you that this fic is almost ending... I'm not motivated anymore and it feel like this is getting worst with each chapter I write. So I'm going to end it...

But I have had a new idea so, once I'm finished with this I'll start posting it here. I'll just talk more about it once I get the first chapter ready.

Thank you for reading this and feedback is always really appreciated! Lots of love for all of you

One way or another (Lesbian Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon