Chapter 29

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Lexa's POV

-Earth, present day-

"And you're acting like you wouldn't do the same... Look around... All this people, do you see how many lifes were saved? If it was a betrail? Yes! If it hurted? Yes! Would I do the same call? Probably! Before we were two different clans. We came from the sky as they say and they managed to survive here. But we need each other. We need their knowledge of the land and they could use some of our knowledge like medicin, mechanics and weapons. That's what I'm thinking. We survived this long in a place we only heard tales of and they're adjusting to our presence here. We all have to make sacrifices sometimes... And the alliance we had before was a sacrifice that had to be made."

The moment Clarke started speaking, everyone went silent and by the time she finished, everything was quite. It was extremely rare for this to happen, the wind was always around and it cause a few sounds so distinctively soothing; the birds were always flying around and making their own sounds... But not now. The only thing I could here was Clarke's voice in my head ' If it was a betrail? Yes! If it hurted? Yes!'. I hurted her, I knew that the second I told her about my decision and yet, she managed to forget about it. And her saying she would probably make the same call I did made every single doubt I could possibly have about her being a good leader vanish. She understands sacrifices! And her heart shows her the right path which is something I admire in her.

She just stood there. In front of everyone and didn't even flinched. That is one of the bravest acts I've ever witnessed. I could see she was getting unconfortable but when I looked around my heart skipped a beat. Every pair of eyes had a glow to them. Especially my people! They admire her just as much as me and that is all I've ever wanted.

"Clarke is right." I said and everybody looked at me. "We all have to find who atracked Camp Jaha. They helped us bring all of you back even though there wasn't a fight, they were willing to fight for their people and ours." I stepped forward and the blonde's eyes met mine, a thankful expression showing. "I made the decision to sacrifice our alliance in order to bring you back. But the fact is, they know things we don't and we know things they don't. We need to work together! Our future can be better if we learn from eachother. So let's forget about the past and work for a better future." As soon as I spoke the whispers started but it only lasted a few seconds. My warriors started yelling and soon the Sky People joined them. For the first time in what seemed like years, our clans were together. I grabbed Clarke's hand and the screaming turned to silence for a second but I didn't want to move. To my surprise Octavia started clapping. The blond and I looked at her. She started clapping harder and soon everyone was joining her just not the boy who started all of this. I nodded towards the girl and she did the same. Then I turned to Clarke because I could see she was in pain... Her right hand lazily put over her stomach, where her wound was. I pulled her to my tent and as soon as we got there I cupped her face. "Does it hurt?" I had to make sure. I waited for a response but she simply nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Call Octavia for me please." Her voice was low and that made me more worried. I called the girl and within a few seconds she was in my tent looking at Clarke and me.

"Heda" The girl said firmly. I was about to talk but the blonde started to talk first.

"Octavia, I need you to go back to camp Jaha and tell my mom to give you some painkillers as fast as you can." Her voice was calm and steady. The other girl nodded and turned around so she could leave. "And Octavia," she just turned her head when she heard Clarke's voice. "Thank you" The blonde was so honest that even I felt my heart get warm. The girls exchanged a look and two small smiles grew on their faces.

Octavia left right after and Clarke layed down. I took that time to write the invitations to all the clans. I kept it short and simple not mentioning the letter I got and went to Indra so she could take care of it. It was almost dark and Octavia hadn't got here with the medicins Clarke requested. I go towards the camp's entrance and I spot Bellamy sitting with his head on his knees by a tree. I have to talk to him and end this feud once and for all.

Once I was near him, he shot his head up and stared at me. "May I sit?" I asked and the boy simply nodded. I sat next to him with my back on the tree, my right arm resting on my knee. I waited a few seconds, just enjoying the awkward silence. No one will ever understand how good it feels to me having someone awkwardly silent by my side. It makes me feel powerful!

"Commander" His voice was low, like he was afraid to speak. "I have to apologize." That was unexpected... "Clarke is right. I probably would have made the same decision you did. And fact that it seemed so easy for you, hurts me. Specially because of Clarke. She cares about you..." Bellamy stopped for a while. He didn't even look at me. He was just staring at the trees in front of him.

Easy? That decision was not easy at all! And he said Clarke cares... "But I think you know that already." He closes his eyes and smiles. "What I mean is I think we're going in the right direction now. You and Clarke are meant to lead and you work well together." I'm flattered by his words and a little shocked. Suddently, he turns to me with a deadly stare. "But I have to say, if you ever do something like that again, I won't be this nice." We look at eachother for a while. My insticts tell me to kill him because he dared to threaten me, but I know how much Clarke cares about him and how much he cares about her. He has her back no matter what and I'm happy for it. If anything happens to me for some reason, at least she won't be alone. "Fair enough." We both nod and look away. I talked to Indra right before I saw the boy so that task was complete and now I had only one thing in my mind: where is Octavia?


Hi everyone!

I want to apoligize for taking so long... I've told you that I have a lot on my mind but somehow I feel the need to explain a part of what is going on.

The fact is I don't really believe in myself and as you can imagine that brings other problems to the mix. I grew up with anxiety and about 3 years ago I was diagnosed with depression. I've been working really hard to get better and I've made some progress. But everything changed a year ago... My bad days are more frequent and I even lose the energy to write which has been my getaway since I remember learning how to do it. But reading your comments always gives me the boost I need to write more!

And I have to thank every single one of you for all the support! You really are amazing! Hope you enjoy this chapter... Vote if you liked it and comment to let me know what you think ;)

Have a good one!

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