Chapter 31

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Clarke's POV

-Earth, present day-

Lexa is leaving to fight some warriors for my friends. MY friends... She doesn't have to do it but she is walking with some of her warriors who volunteered to go. I understand why some of my people would go but the grounders? I really have to find a new name to call them... They don't have to do this! Even if their Commander is going. And they volunteered. There is two choices for why that happened: they want blood or they really want to help. My gut tells me it is the second one, but it might be a mixture of the two. I don't know what to expect from this people. They can be so unpredictable... And for someone who was never in contact with afection, they sure show a lot of it.

I'm sitting next to Raven and my legs are shaking uncontrollably.

"Clarke, they'll be fine!" The gorl says resting a hand on my knee. I turn to her and there is nothing but compassion in her eyes.

"I really hope so..." I look at the group of warriors disapearing between the trees.

Octavia's POV

-Earth, a few hours ago-

Clarke is not okay. She's been hurt and she has definatly not been resting how she should be. I don't exactly know what she's been doing but I haven't seen her take painkillers before so it must be serious.

As soon as I left the tent I went to talk to Indra to see if I could borrow a horse so the travelling would be faster. She allowed it and even instructed a warrior to come with me with the excuse to show that our alliance is back on track. For some reason I think that's the reason why he's coming with me. Lincoln couldn't come because he had some things to do. The warrior Indra introduced as James and I got our horses and rode as fast as the animals could go.

For a long time we didn't say a word but our horses needed to rest for a while so we stopped by the river. As we're stopping I can feel someone watching me. I look around and I see nothing. Maybe you're just being paranoid. My inner voice says, but my gut is speaking louder. Something's wrong! I look at James and he gives me a look as to say "I know". I walk towards him and he turns his back to the trees and I step in front of him.

"If you see anyone, you reach for your sword. No matter who they are." He seemed calm and ready to fight but he didn't turn around. "I'm glad our alliance is real again. Even though I think we were doing good, your leader is right. You have knowledge we could use and the other way around. If it wasn't for you, the man I'm with would still be stuck in that mountain." I can see he's getting angrier by the second and I see movement to my left. The birds fly high and the leaves are moving. I reach for my sword as a sign to James and he turns around as more than a duzen warriors get out of the bushes. I recognize them. They're the same people who attacked Camp Jaha last night. "Let's see how many of them we can take down." I hear the man by my side say and I look at him. He has a huge grin on his face and bloodthirst is clear in his eyes.

The other warriors had masks on their faces but the cloths and their ways gave them away. The were not Treecru! I see them spitting into two groups and someone walks behind them. Suddently they stop. Both me and James are kind of surprised but we don't let it show too much.

"We just want the girl. You don't have to get hurt." That voice... I know that voice from somewhere! I can't figure out who that is but that feminine raspy voice belongs to someone I know. I could see James holding onto his sqord so I did the same. "If that's what you want." The girl said and the wariors ran towards us. I saw the biggest one coming towards me faster than the others who separated me and the warrior that came with me. I could hear the swords crash where James was and the I heard a small cry from his mouth. I looked at him and there was blood on his arm where a deep wound was made a second before. I tried to move towards him but the big guy grabbed me from my qaist making my feet leave the ground. "Did no one teach you that's that the way to sweep a lady of her feet?" As I finished that I hit his nose with the back of my own breaking it. He let go of me and I took advantage of the fact he was trying to regain his balance to put my sword through his chest. The mask started to have two red flows going down his chin: one from his broken nose and one from his mouth. His eyes went from shinny from the adrenaline to completely dull in two seconds. I turned to the man who was getting all the attention and I noticed he's completely surrounded by the warriors. The thing that bothered me the most was that he was hurt, badly. I ran in his direction and took out three of those cowards out on my way. I was covered in blood already but none of it was mine. I guess Indra tought me too well... I take out one more of those warriors before my back touches James'. He stiffens. "It's just me." He relaxes right after. "We can't them them all out."

"We'll try" He whispers and I understand how much those wounds are hurting him. His voice cracked twice. I have to think of something! We can't take these many soldiers on our own even if they're not smatter than a rock. They are two many!

"Put your sword on my neck." The starnge warriors had stopped their advances so we had a few seconds to discuss details. James looked at me shocked. "I'm not giving up. They'll kill you!" He stated.

"No, they need me for whatever reason and after you take care of those wounds you can easily find out where they are hiding. They're too stupid to cover their tracks." He thought about it for a second. Even if they kill me, at least I've had the chance to prove my worth. But I don't think they will so I'm willing to take that risk. Suddently I feel a pair of hands grabbing me and I felt the blade of a sword touch my neck. "You can have her. But you have to leave now!" I heard James' voice and I wanted to smile but I knew I couldn't.

"You're are in no position to make demands, but I'm nice so I'll just ignore your statement." The girl said probably thinking she had everything figured out. As I look around I see the dead bodies and the injured both of us managed to create. I counted six dead and eight injured... Not a bad balance after all. One of their warriors came near us and I noticed some hesitation on James' arms so I put my right hand on his and stroke it softly assuring him, I would be alright. Well, I hope so.

As soon as the man took the sword from my neck, the other warrior punched me hard. I still hear him punch James. I heard a lound sound and assumed it was his body hitting the ground. I really hope they didn't kill him. That was the last time I remember thinking... After that everything was black.


Hello beautiful creatures!!
Before I start with my (hopefully) short A/N, I want to thank you all so much! I've reached 15k views and 700 votes!! :) I never belived this fanfic would get more than 50 views and maybe a hand full of votes... So you can imagine what this means to me! Once I came here and saw the numbers I jumped and screamed so much I'm sure the whole building heard me ahahah

I really hope you liked this chapter! I made it a little longer than usual as a thank you! Now, and because I am really really happy, I challenge you to leave in the comments (or a PM if you prefer) the reason that made you ship Clexa. The most original 3 will have a shout out in the next chapter and if you have any stories of your own I'll do my best to read them.

Let me know if there's anything you really want to read in the next chapter.

I love you all so much! Thank you

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