Chapter 28

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Clarke POV

-Earth, present day-

I saw Bellamy, Raven, Octavia and Lincoln sitting near the fire and decided to go that way. I could feel Lexa right behind me and I could see Bellamy staring at her. He didn't seem friendly and I knew why... I need to talk to him about that.

As I headed towards my friends I saw each one of them looking at me. Bellamy didn't take his eyes of Lexa, Octavia looked at me and quickly looked away turning to Lincoln, the guy whispered something to her but I couldn't understand what it was, Raven raised her head and smiled at me but I gould see a hint of worry qnd that made me think of Wick. They were pretty close after Mount Weather, they barely were seen alone. He had to stay at Camp Jaha to her rebuild everything and Raven wanted to stay with him, but she knew she would only slow him down because of her condition. Even though my mom say she would probably never recover, there were some improvements. She was able to stand for a while longer which is extraordinary given the fact she's still healing from what happened at Mount Weather. As I think about that I remember the only one I know who survived: Emmerson. Suddently I stop and turn around to face the Commander. She was so close that we almost bumped into eachother. I try not to smile but it is extremely hard. I clear my throat to try to hide it. "Where's Emmerson?" She looked congused and I had to remind myself she doesn't know his name. "The Mountain Man." I explained and this time, Lexa seemed to study my eyes. A couple of seconds have past and I start thinking if I crossed the line. After all, this is her territory.

"Are you sure?" Her question caught me off guard. She seemed so caring and worried that it overwhelmed me. All I can do is nod. She motions for me to follow her and we cross Tondc. As we get out of the village's limits I start seeing a little caban. It's barely visible but seeing Lexa going that way I started noticing the details. It wasn't a caban but an old structure that barely survived the war. The plants grew around it which made it secluded and unseen to the ones not looking for it. As we aproach the door the Commander stops, turns around and stares into my eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want?" She asks me.

"Yes, his people killed too many of us." I explained. The truth is, I wanted to make him suffer for what he did to me, for killing me inside by locking my friends underground, but mostly because of what his people did to my family!

Lexa knocks on the door and says something I didn't understand. The door opens slowly and I see one of Lexa's guard. He was tall, black hair and these piercing dark brown eyes. I wanted to shiver but decided not to. I can't afford any person of the treecru thinking I'm week so looked directly at him. The brwon haired girl motioned me to go in so I did. It was really dark but I could see the sunlight through a hole on the ceiling. There was a single chair in the middle of the small room and a cage. There he was: Emmerson. He looked so fragile that I almost felt sorry for him but quickly remembered he helped Cage hurt my family. I turned to Lexa and I didn't have to ask. She spoke loud enough for the guard to hear and in just a few seconds the mountain man was sitting on the chair. The sun rays hit him for the first time since I got here and he looked miserable. There were bruises and cuts all over his body. It was an awful sight... 'Good!' I thought. 'This way our people will be avenged'

I walked closer and lowered my head so we would be at the same level. He raised his gaze and as soon as his eyes met mine, a mischevious smile grew on his disformed face. "Clarke..." He whisppresenI could see dried blood on the corners of his mouth as well as in a little cut right bellow his eye. It looked infected... The instincts my mother passed me told me to clean it and cover it with something sterilized but this is the guy who kidnapped my mom and so many of us and made them suffer so much. There is no way I'll be merceful! I felt rage taking over me as I remembered the pain he and his people caused. His grin just helps to fuel my angst and it's becoming more difficult to hold it in by the second. Suddently he shifts slightly and spits on my face. That was it! That was the moment when my self restrain shattered to pieces. I closed my hands into fists and hit him as hard as I could. I don't even know how many times that was but I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I came to a stop. Looking at that man and the way blood was trailing down his face made me feel something I never felt before. He was actually paying for what he did. Lexa came in front of me and I could see a fire in her eyes. I thought she was going to stop me but my mind was blown when she spoke.

"Clarke, distance your feet a little and when you're about to hit him..." her hands rested on my hips and turned them slowly towards the man in front of me. The tension starts to acumulate in my lower stomach. "...move your hips." After a second her hand move away and I started to miss the contact immediatly. That only made my anger grow. So I did what she told me to do. As soon as I hit his face, he whimpered. That made me feel powerful so I kept going. I don't really know how many times I hit his face when I felt a pair of strong arms pulling me up and away. I struggled with them but it was useless. I realized it was the guard holding me because Lexa was opening the door so he could take me outside. As soon as he dropped me out, he turned around, went inside again and closed the door. I was standing there and the Commander was staring at me.

"Why did he stop me?" I asked trying to calm myself down.

"Because I told him to." She simply answered. That made me even angrier. More for the lack of explanation than anything else.

"And why would you do that?" i screamed completely out of control now.

"Look at your hand Clarke." She commanded. Wow! How amusing... Now I'm one of her pets! Amazing! I did it and I got scared. My knuckles are bleeding, my whole hand is hurting and I can barely feel my fingers. But my anger got the best of me. "I can take care of myself!" I spat and started to walk towards my friends. Once I got there everyone started to stare at me. After a couple of seconds Bellamy got up and had the same look on his face when he was staring at Lexa earlier.

"What have you done?" He yelled. He wasn't looking at me so I turned around and saw Lexa walking a few feet behind me. He isn't going to stop... I soon get near him, put my bloody hand on his chest and push him as hard as I possibly can, causing him to fall.

"Whatever happened is none of your business. It's between me and the Commander. Who you should show some respect! So you better keep your wannabe death glares away..." I couldn't believe what I just did. I was... I was really yelling at the one person who I felt closer to. The one I consider a brother or what I believe a brother could be. And for what?

"Or what?" He got up and I could see the pain and anger in his eyes. "You're really defending her? She left our friends to die!" That was his argument... That was it?

"And you're acting like you wouldn't do the same..." He was surprised at me responsed. Well, I was too! But that didn't mean I regretted it. "Look around... All this people, do you see how many lifes were saved?" I had to look around and as I did I realised how many people actually were there. Every single one of them was looking at me. "If it was a betrail? Yes! If it hurted? Yes! Would I do the same call? Probably! Before we were two different clans. We came from the sky as they say and they managed to survive here. But we need each other. We need their knowledge of the land and they could use some of our knowledge like medicin, mechanics and weapons. That's what I'm thinking. We survived this long in a place we only heard tales of and they're adjusting to our presence here. We all have to make sacrifices sometimes... And the alliance we had before was a sacrifice that had to be made." I was a lot better now although the pain was starting to get to me. My recent wound on my stomach was hurting but it was probably the stitches. Everything was quite... It was actually scary. There was always a sound before but not now.

This silence is deafening.


Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me a while to write and I'm sorry for that...

Vote if you liked it and Comment to let me know specifically what you think. It would mean a lot to me ;)

Thank you so much!

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