"Daddy, is Cammie gonna be okay?" Eliot asked as Cammie was brought into a new room to get more scans done. She was at the hospital almost every week, sometimes multiple times a week. Cammie didn't understand why they needed to keep doing scans and taking blood, she didn't look or feel any different.

Evan swallowed hard, "yeah El. Cammie is going to be right as rain, it's just going to take a while." Eliot nodded.

"That's what mommy always says." Eliot said flipping through his book scanning for his see and read bookmark. It had a clear slip running down the middle so he could focus on the line he was on and not get distracted by the rest of the page. "Can you read first?" Eliot questioned and Evan smiled down to him, adjusting the book to see.

"The Cat ate my Gym suit." Evan read aloud. "What kind of book is this?" Evan laughed, running his finger down the page.

"Mom picked it out. She said it was realistic fiction about a girl a bit older than me and she is an outcast." Eliot explained.

"An outcast?" Evan said impressed with Eliot's word choice. "Tell me more."

"Well her name is Marcy and she doesn't really like school and I don't like school, but then she gets this teacher that makes school better." Eliot said shaking the book to Evan, tired of holding it up. Evan took it from him. "Begin please."

"Chapter 11. My Mother immediately came up and said, Marc did you have a nice day?" Evan watched as Eliot mouthed the words, reading along with Evan. "Do you know what this word is?" Evan said pointing down at the page. Eliot stared at the word intensely.

"Al... Al..." Eliot tried to sound it out but it looked so strange. A beat passed. "Al-pha-bet... Alphabet!" He said victoriously.

"Yes, very good. Okay your turn to read." Evan said beaming happily at Eliot's progress.

"Stuart smiled at me across the table." Eliot read slowly and precisely. Eliot could do this. He could read he just needed a bit more patience and care.

"It's just one episode, but if they like me, they said it could be a weekly position!" Liz, Scarlett's best friend said as she ran a hand over her Himalayan cats fluffy back. "Can you believe it? I had given up but then Marcus told me just one more, don't give up. And what do you know I got the part!"

"I knew you would. It sounds perfect!" Scarlett exclaimed. Liz had wanted to be an actress for as long as Scarlett knew her, but was picky with what she wanted to do, what parts she would play. Liz never wanted anything that was revealing. Sure she had liked watching Game of Thrones, but never wanted to act in a show as exposing or terrifying as it. She was going to be on a sitcom. A potential love interest for one of the main characters.

"Well your kitty seems to be well." Dr. McGregor said interrupting their conversation.

"Oh right, I forgot why I was here." Liz laughed. "I am going to be going to California for a week and trying for more parts while I'm there, I would love to have my wing woman with me?" Liz said with a big toothy smile. "But I know that Cameron is still not doing well." She added knowing Scarlett would say no.

"Scarlett is the bill in?" Dr. McGregor questioned. Everyone loved Scarlett, clients and otherwise but they seemed to talk a lot more when Scarlett was in the room, pushing them back slightly into the next appointment.

"Almost done." Scarlett moved to the computer, maneuvering it like a pro, which she was. "You know I could ask Cameron what she thought about me leaving..." Scarlett considered it for a moment. Leaving her family for a week, leaving Evan to deal with everything. She couldn't do that to him, she would never do that to him, even though he would tell her to go and have fun. "But I can't." Scarlett finished.

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