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     "So we are going to take in and off the skin and put a hydroxyapatite structure in helping form your chin better." Dr. Cade explained. She showed a digital diagram of Cammie's face along with what they hoped to achieve. "Hydroxyapatite is very similar to bone and the collagen can act as molecular cables and the biocompatibility will help with the implant." Dr. Cade went on with a smile. She was glad to have created a small bone like chin replacement for Cameron. Her skin on the other hand couldn't be fixed the way Cameron wanted, but Dr. Cade refused to tell them that. She had made a chin and jaw, out of hydroxyapatite material! It took forever and a lot of measuring, but she did it and now Cameron Brooks was going to have a proper chin.

"So you're not fixing me?" Cameron asked confused every time because she had been in and out of hospitals for the past year and every time she came out looking the same. Looking like a bubbly monster, with no hope of a future, at least that's how she saw it.

"I'm sorry Cameron, but I am still working on that." Dr. Cade answered begrudgingly, trying to show hope in her eyes and not regret. "I will have to take more measurements right before to verify that everything is exact, but if this works I might be able to help more of your underlying bones. Give your face more structure."

"But I will still look like this?" Cameron questioned again moving her hands up slightly, her cold hands were wrapped under the covers as she waited to be taken back for another scan, triple checking measurements.

"I'm working on it." Dr. Cade tried to reassure. "But let's start with this." Cameron nodded looked to her parents. They both came for almost every surgery because they loved her more than life and wanted her to know that they were always going to be there for her. Always, because surgery was dangerous and things could go wrong, they both needed to be there in case anything went wrong, especially with a new procedure like Dr. Cade was attempting.

"You want to grab breakfast in the gourmet café downstairs?" Evan joked once Cammie was taken back.

"Ugh, how about we go to Lumes? I see it every time we pass the hospital, but haven't been there in ages." Scarlett said as she grabbed her purse and headed towards the elevator.

"Lumes it is." Cammie would be in surgery for a few hours and with any luck she was be happy and pain free while under. Evan had always liked surgery. It was the waking up that was difficult.

"I feel like the luckiest girl alive." Scarlett said as she poured her tea into her cup. They had tiny tea pots of hot water, that made Scarlett feel like she was in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

"Whys that?" Evan said leaning back in the booth, smiling across the table at her.

"We never to breakfast dates." Scarlett exclaimed. "And now this month we took a weekend getaway, and now this." Scarlett leaned across the table resting her elbows on her menu. She reached for his hands taking them in hers and just smiled.

"What can I get for you two today?" The waitress asked, with a glowing white smile. Scarlett pulled her hands out of Evan's and opened up the menu again as Evan ordered. "I will get that started... anything else?" She asked them once they finished ordering.

"More water please." Scarlett requested and reached again for Evan's scarred and leathery hand. She brought his hand to her lips, "luckiest girl alive." She repeated kissing it. She felt bad, awful for enjoying her time with Evan while Cammie was in surgery, but she also knew that she would have plenty of time to worry and twist her stomach in knots after they were done and back waiting for her surgery to be completed. So for now, Scarlett let herself relax, Cameron was in capable hands, Eliot was at his grandparents' house, and they were right across the street if God forbid anything were to happen.

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