Chapter XI

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Once Ellis had disappeared back into the Old Lands, the witches immediately launched into a debate about where Ruth's locket could be. The other demigods had zoned out after the first two sentences, although Annabeth noted that Jason, and Hazel at least tried to look like they were paying attention. Her gaze turned to Frank, who seemed to actually be listening to bits and pieces.

Despite Annabeth's ADHD and not having much knowledge as to what they were talking about, but she tried her best to listen in.

Paulina bit her lip. "Maybe you should try the Ouija board."

Annabeth arched an eyebrow at Tegan, who smacked her forehead then telepathically gave Annabeth the rundown; just in time for Annabeth to catch the next bit of relevant conversation.

"I think you should go back to Dean's house and try it there." Paulina was saying.

Bettina's face paled and she shuddered, hesitating a moment before she responded. "Okay. Okay, I'll do it. Who's coming with me?"

As the words were leaving her lips, Jackson's hand automatically slithered into his soulmate's. Bettina turned her royal blue gaze to Jackson and smiled gratefully. "Obviously, I'm going with you." Jackson's crisp accent rang through the air. "And I was there last time. Whoever this spirit is, they were crazy powerful and caused a lot of trouble."

Tegan closed the book on her lap and set it on the coffee table. "You're not using another Ouija board without me."

Henley frowned. "You think that's a wise idea?"

"Wise? Probably not." Tegan jumped off the couch with a wink. "Then again, it wasn't wise to pretend to be working with demons, and look how that worked out."

"Hold on," Frank interrupted. "You were working with demons?"

"Long story short, but yes. But she saved our lives by working with the demons." Deacon crossed his arms. "She did what she had to do to help us survive. But that's a story for another time."

Frank held his hands up. "Right, sorry," he muttered.

Henley opened her mouth then shut it. She grimaced. "I don't like it, T."

"Neither do I," Tennessee growled. He crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head, his wavy locks swinging from side to side. He bit his lip and sighed. "But I think she's right. We need more info out of this spirit, and that's more likely to happen with Tegan involved—"

"Can someone explain to me why it's so dangerous for the Aether Witch to use a Ouija board?" Annabeth asked, ignoring the gut punch that followed after asking the question. She hated feeling so left out and clueless.

Bettina nodded and pointed at Annabeth. "I second that question."

The room fell silent. Everyone stared at Tegan like she was about to catch fire.

Tegan rolled her eyes at everyone's silence. "Jeezus, I'm not fragile." She turned to Annabeth. "It's because the Aether Witch not only has a special connection with this realm, but also with Heaven. Spirits are drawn to me, and they have more power when connecting with her, thus wreaking havoc when they do. Not to mention being the High Priestess means a lot of dealings with spirits."

Everyone turned to Tenn.

He scowled and looked to Tegan. "I don't want you to do this. You know that. But I also know if it was anyone else in this Coven, I'd be saying it was worth the risk at this point. So I can't let my own feelings for you get in the way."

Tegan nodded. Her face was a little more pale than usual, like she, too, understood the risk involved. "I want you to come with me."

Tenn smirked. "As if you had a choice."

Tegan sighed and Annabeth could feel the energy around her energy relax. "All right, the four of us will go, then."

"No." Hunter walked forward, shaking his head. "No chance in hell the two of you are using that Ouija board together. One risk is enough. I'll go with you. My calming energy might help keep things under control. Tenn can stand guard. I may not be Coven Leader, but I will not budge on this. I'm a lot older than you, and I've seen what can happen when too much power is used."

Annabeth couldn't help but smile. Hunter's papa bear energy was contagious, and she could practically feel it in the air.

Tenn nodded. "You're right. That's a good idea. The five of us will go." He corrected.

"And the rest of us?" Cooper asked with a frown.

"Stay here. Stay on your toes." Tenn put his hands on his hips and looked around the room. "We have a mission, but we can't forget why we're doing it. Joseph is planning something, and we need to be ready for anything at any given moment." He turned to Annabeth and Percy. "As for you guys; Emersyn will help you and the other demigods set up camp in Edenburg's courtyard. We would offer them our spare dorm rooms; but they're spread out across the campus, and it would probably be smarter and safer to keep them together."

Percy gave Tenn a nod. "Thank you again, for helping us."

Tegan grinned widely. "Of course." She snapped her fingers, and a white portal box appeared in the middle of the room. "Now, let's go play with an Ouija board."

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