Chapter V

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The ice-person in question had broad shoulders and long hair that was only slightly wilder than Tenn's.

He had bushier eyebrows and a scruffy, hipster-looking short beard.

The guy's eyes widened as we approached, and then his body flickered to shadow.

He grunted and shook his head, and then he was corporeal again.

His gaze swept over us and then landed on Tenn.

He nodded once. "Emperor, are you Coven Leader?"

Tenn stopped in front of him and crossed his arms over his chest. "I am. Who are you, and why should we believe that you come in peace?"

"My name is Ellis Heath."

"Heath?" Constance frowned. "Why do I know that name?" That sounds eerily familiar...

Ellis gave a small smile. "You may remember my parents, John and Rebecca Heath."

The adults all gasped.

Tennessee narrowed his eyes. "That makes you the nephew of—"

"Julian Calloway, the former Emperor." Ellis nodded. "Yes, sir."

Bettina gasped. "You're one of the people we hit with that potion the other night."

Ellis smiled and nodded. "I am. Trey told Joseph what you were trying to do. I am sorry it did not work."

Light flashed in front of Tenn, and then Michael's six-foot-long sword was in his grip. He cocked his head to the side. "Did Trey also tell you what this is?"

Ellis eyed the glowing heavenly blade. "The Archangel Michael's sword, sir."

"Why do you keep calling me sir?"

Ellis's cheeks flushed, and then he faded back into shadow. He cursed and shook his body, and then he was corporeal again.

"You are my Coven Leader, are you not? My parents told me to respect you and mind my manners when I met you."

Tenn glared and his power radiated out of him enough to blow Ellis's hair back.

"Interesting choice of words from a man who's killed innocent people." Percy's voice was barely more than a growl.

Ellis's amber eyes widened. He swallowed and his muscles tensed. He glanced down at the two swords grazing his throat, then back to Tenn. "I swear, I have not taken the life of any living creature."

Tenn sighed and slammed the tip of Michael's sword into the dirt, and the ground rumbled.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes at Ellis. "Again, why should we believe that you come in peace? And I don't suggest deflecting."

"I don't mean to deflect."

I gripped Tenn's shoulder and cocked my head to the side. Ellis, I'm sensing a hesitation to speak your truth. Is this correct?

Ellis stood up straight. He nodded once. "I am having a hard time keeping myself...together."

I pursed my lips. Is this because you do not want to be heard by ears we cannot see?

Ellis sighed. "If you give me a moment to regroup my energy."

Tenn growled. "Bring him inside by the fire."

Hunter and Kessler lowered their swords enough to let Ellis stand. The guy might have had big shoulders, but he was shorter and thinner than I expected. He looked like he'd skipped a few too many meals.

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