Chapter XV

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As soon as Tennessee appeared, the shadows all vanished back into the Old Lands. Seemed they were smarter than to mess with the grandson of an archangel. Hazel and Bettina quickly filled them in on what had happened.

Annabeth's blood boiled at the news of Octavian. He'd managed to weasel his way out of Eden during the fight, as well as the other legionnaires; but it deeply troubled everyone that their enemies were now conspiring together.

Tennessee's frown deepened at the news. Everyone trudged inside wearily. Devon sent out her astral projections to patrol the borders. Most of the demigods had already gone off to bed, leaving Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Thalia as the only demigods still awake.

Most of the Coven members looked ready to turn in and get what meager sleep they could in preparation for Joseph's next attack; but once they caught sight of the golden cauldron, they couldn't seem to bring themselves to turn away, not when that was the reversal potion to find Hope. So instead, everyone huddled together in the living room, watching Lennox stir the cauldron's contents in silence.

After a while, Tenn spoke. His voice was rough and ragged, but held a slight hint of lightheartedness. "Well then, since it seems you'll be staying with us for an extended period; you might as well get the orientation on the ground rules."

Easton grinned, and tripped on Lily's outstretched foot as he stood up and bounded towards the kitchen. The wicked smile on Lily's face made it quite clear she'd intentionally stuck her foot out.

Easton returned within moments, lugging a large whiteboard. He chuckled and shook his head as he set it down in front of the demigods so they could read.

Annabeth glanced at Frank questioningly. He seemed to understand what she meant and nodded. He then began to read aloud. "No sword fighting or sparring in the living room."

Annabeth looked at her dagger, then at Frank's bow. She opened her mouth to point that out-- but Tenn saw where she was looking at and scribbled, no fighting nor sparring with any type of weapon or magic.

"No eating all the cereal. Looking at you Bentley. From Easton."

Bentley grinned sheepishly as Easton glared at him.

Frank smiled as he continued. "Don't let Chutney go to a pet store alone. At any costs. Stop asking Mona and Kessler when they're going to have a baby."

Kessler's face flushed bright red.

"Nobody uses their power against one another. Royce, stop planting flowers everywhere."

Royce flipped his imaginary long hair in offense.

"Do not get Bettina and Tegan started on Why The Greek Gods Suck." Annabeth opened her mouth to say something again. Tenn quickly rushed over to the board with a dry erase marker and included, or any of the demigods.

Annabeth bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Thalia had no such qualms about self-control.

Frank continued reading. "There is a list of words to never say in front of Easton and Royce on the refrigerator. Please memorize that list. We are not having a competition to see if Edenburg or SOMA is better. Sorry Deacon, it's not happening."

Deacon fake pouted as Percy asked, "What's SOMA?"

Emersyn smiled. "It's a new campus for witches and shifters in Manhattan."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "You mean you've been living under our noses this whole time?"

Deacon shrugged. "It is relatively new. It's only been open for about a month or two."

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