Chapter XVI

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We were in the backyard of Coven Headquarters on Holy Land. I stood next to Tenn, who still had Bettina clinging onto him like her life depended on it.

"Babe?" I whispered from behind my soulmate. I hated seeing him like this. "Your hands are shaking."

I squeezed his hands and stepped up close to him  "Listen, you don't have to do anything here, okay? I just need your presence. We're going to do all the work. You just have to sit there. And breathe. That's your only job, okay?" Then I turned to Bettina. "Your memories will come back, I can be sure of that. Just breathe. It'll work."

Bettina nodded, sighing heavily. "Breathe. Yup. Totally. Definitely can do that."

Bentley walked up beside me. He gripped his Hierophant's locket and smiled. "This is going to work. Hope's memories will come back as soon as we do this."

Bettina nodded mutely. She was clearly too nervous and worried to say anything further.

Someone cleared their throat behind me. "Are we ready?" Henley said softly. "The second moon rising is upon us now."

I looked up at my best friend, who nodded. She smiled faintly and gave me a wink. I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding and went into business mode. "All right. Tenn, I want you to kneel right here." I pointed the spot out to my soulmate, who nodded tersely and knelt. "The rest of us are going to kneel beside you to circle the rune."

Everyone quickly complied and dropped to their knees. The ground was cold and hard, but I barely noticed. My thoughts were solely focused on completing this spell flawlessly, for Tenn. I grasped Bettina's left arm comfortingly, and Henley's magic did the same on her right.

Henley nodded at me, and I pushed my rainbow magic into Bettina. There were murmurs, hushed voices talking around me, but I was so deeply focused I couldn't tell who had said it or what they'd said.

The golden cauldron floated over on a stream of rainbow mist. It tipped over, and the glowing liquid contents poured like a waterfall. The Goddess's rune glowed and sparkled brighter with each ounce of the potion upon it.

I began shouting the spell in the angelic language. Glowing runes popped up from the ground around us. Bettina gasped, her body trembling. Tenn trembled along with her. Golden wings spread out from his back and flapped in the breeze.

The wind continued to pick up, going from a gentle breeze to a gale, then crescendo-ing into the roar of a hurricane. I didn't let that faze me. Henley, Lennox and I chanted and chanted. Warm energy rushed through my hands and into Bettina's. Tenn's magic sizzled and sparkled all around him, like a faulty electrical socket.

Bright golden light exploded from within the Goddess's rune and shot up into the sky like a beam to Heaven itself.

Bettina gasped in surprise as a blinding light engulfed her, then gently rolled back to reveal dark, raven hair to match Tenn's- and mismatched eyes. The two looked more identical than Em and I did.

Bettina, Hope- stared glassy eyed at Tenn, who stumbled in shock- before running full speed towards her and crushing her in a tearful hug. "It's really you." Tenn mumbled. Bettina sobbed, tapping her finger on Tenn's shoulder.

"Morse code." Annabeth murmured, her voice barely carrying to where I stood. I wiped the tears from my eyes at the sight of my best friend and soulmate reunited after all this time. I opened a portal, and shoved everyone through it, leaving Tenn and Bettina to have time alone.


Us witches and demigods had given both Tenn and Bettina time to be alone for some time, and now they finally walked back inside. Jackson immediately went for Bettina, hugging her close and whispering something to her.

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