Chapter I

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Hello people! This story is a crossover between PJO HOO and Chandelle LaVaun's coven magic series, so if you have not read the coven series to The Secret Witch or HOO to Blood of Olympus, then DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! Contains spoilers.

I am co-writing the book with Astraeaastars, so the credit has to go to her, too.

We do not own PJO and HOO, nor do we own The Coven series. All the PJO HOO characters belong to Rick Riordan, and the Coven belongs to Chandelle LaVaun!


Ash rained down her frizzy, unruly hair, as she looked up towards the sky.

Gaea and the giants had fallen.. but at what price? Camp Half-Blood lay in ruins, destroyed by Octavian.

So many good people were gone. Hazel was thankful that a little more than half of the camp lived to tell the tale.

Octavian stood atop Half-Blood Hill, surveying the destruction he had caused with an amused grin.

Reyna and Nico had been too late in bringing the Athena Parthenos. Hazel watched in fury as the First Cohort toppled the statue into Long Island Sound.

Reyna and Nico were bound to Thalia's Pine Tree, helpless as they watched all of their hard work wasted, lost to the ocean.

It took every ounce of self-control for Hazel to stop herself from rushing out there to try and save her friends, even though she knew it was hopeless.

The surviving Greeks stood beside her, trembling in fury as they saw their home reduced to ashes.

"Where do we go now?" Hazel asked, breaking the long silence.

"We should head south." Annabeth whispered, her voice barely audible. "Somewhere far away from both Manhattan and San Francisco."

Hazel nodded, and wiped away some of the grime from her face. "And Leo? Reyna and Nico?"

Annabeth's face was full of emotion as she whispered. " There's nothing we can do for them."

A thin, pitiful wailing emerged from Chuck, but Mellie quickly silenced him.

The broken family reminded Hazel of Coach Hedge's sacrifice, as he fended off the First Cohort in a desperate attempt to give Nico and Reyna time to bring the Athena Parthenos.

The laurel sapling stood, next to Octavian, Hedge's reincarnation.

"Come on Hazel!" Percy hissed, who's hand was gripping Annabeth's tightly, as if he would loose her if he let go of her for a moment.

Tears filled Hazel's eyes, as she took one last glance at Half-Blood Hill, before she followed Percy and Annabeth into the unknown.



"See you soon." I hung up on the phone with Jackson. I shoved my phone into my jacket and grimaced as I met Bettina's gaze.

"I'm sorry, B. I can't risk leaving yet. If Joseph attacks, even in those few seconds--"

"I know." Bettina whispered, and smiled. " Just keep your phone on loud in case he gets in trouble, okay?"

"I'm listening, I promise." I assure Bettina.

My gaze snapped to Lonan's. I'll talk to you in a minute. I said telepathically.

Bettina moved to stand up, but Tennessee pushed her back down.

Bettina frowned. "Let me up--"

"Sorry, no." Tennessee said in that rough voice I loved so much. "I want you to sit here and not move until I say otherwise."

Bettina licked her lips nervously. "Am... am I in trouble?"

"You saved our asses tonight, in more ways than one." I chuckled.

Bettina blushed. "Oh... I did?"

Tennessee chuckled. "Bettina, have you not seen what you did? Without getting up, turn and look around."

Bettina glanced over her shoulder-- and her jaw dropped as she saw the wall of ice protecting Eden, and the dozen ice sculptures.

I chuckled, and moved away to talk to Lonan.

"Hey Lonan." I grinned. "Thanks for saving our asses."

Lonan chuckled. "Happy to."

"Do you know how the demons are getting through?" I asked.

Lonan sucked in a breath. "There's a single spot in the Old Lands that demons can sneak through, albiet not easily or frequently."

He pointed at Bettina and smirked. "After her crazy ice show, Joseph went nuts and went straight for that spot. You'll have demons on your doorstep sooner rather than later."

I nodded. "Thank you. Promise me you won't engage. There's no way you can take all of them on by yourself, and I don't want to endanger you."

Lonan nodded. "I'll have some Old Lands animals try to block it, without it being obvious that we sent them. I'll also send messages to Chutney through the animals so you'll have a warning before an attack."

"That'd be perfect." I sighed in relief.

"And one last thing, Tegan." Lonan said. "We need allies, soon, or we won't be able to win this war." He let his words hang in the air for a moment, before shifting and taking off, back to the Old Lands.

I bit my lip. Lonan was right. We needed help, and soon....

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