Chapter VI

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When Trey spat out the words that started the battle, Annabeth readied her drakon blade, waiting silently for Tenn's command. It felt odd, to not be the leader, but she didn't want to overstep Tenn's bounds.

The Archangel Michael's sword appeared in his right hand, glowing with the blazing fire of Heaven. "Charge!" He shouted, and he leapt into the fray with inhuman speed.

Annabeth raised her dagger and yelled a battle cry, lunging at the nearest shadow-person and slicing at him with her sword.

The shadow-person disappeared in a cloud of vapor as soon as the bone blade touched them. (It's WRONG to assume gender!) Percy bounded into view, raising Riptide in an arch, the Celestial Bronze vaporizing five shadow-people in a single stroke.

Annabeth vaporized another, before turning to glance at the witches. Chunks of dirt flew from Tenn's hands, but it just passed through the shadow. On the bright side, one did end up hitting Trey!

Annabeth held back a chuckle as Trey crashed to the ground, sprawled on his back... right at Hazel's feet.

Trey let out a sigh of relief as he stared at the girl towering over him. "Thank Lilith I landed next to the cinnamon roll.." He muttered.

Hazel cocked her head. "You'd be sorely mistaken." She spat. "I'm perfectly violent to traitors." She raised her spatha, and brought the Imperial Gold blade down, and it would've killed Trey, except he was able to block it with a flurry of magic, acting as a shield as Trey scurried out of the way.

"Shit." Trey cursed, raising his sword. "Lilith promised an easy win!"

"IT'S SCHIST YOU IDIOT!" Tegan screamed. In a rage of Fangirl fury, she unleashed the elements upon Trey, trapping him in a hurricane.

"THAT'S MY THING!" Percy crowed, as he leapt towards Tegan. "TIME TO GET MY MOJO BACK BABY!"

Annabeth stared in shock as she stared at the two crazy water-wielders. Oh. My. Gods, Seaweed Brain!

But she knew she had no time to watch. She raised her drakon-bone sword and sliced through a few remaining shadows.

Meanwhile, Tegan and Percy both attacked Trey at the same time, forcing him to kneel to the ground, blocking both swords.

He must've feared for his life, because he then lifted up his head and shouted, "Retreat!"

Shadows drifted over him and he vanished into smoke, a sinister smile etched on his face.

Annabeth tried to grab him, but he disappeared before she could. But the daughter of Athena managed to snatch up a piece of his clothing, stuffing it in her pockets.

The rest of the enemy disappeared as well, leaving wisps of smoke lingering in the area.

Annabeth stared at the spot Trey had been in.

Her mind drifted back to when Tegan told her about the betrayal. It reminded her of a certain blonde blue-eyed boy, with a scar on his face.

Just like Luke, he betrayed them. A small voice in her head said, but she shut it away. Anger boiled in her veins and her fists clenched.

I swear on the River Styx, Annabeth swore, that he will die by my hands. He is not another Luke, he's a true villain, and I will not let him taint the memory of my friend.

Thunder rumbled overhead, yet Annabeth couldn't care less. She knew that she was going to kill Trey, so a soul-binding oath wouldn't matter in the end.

They tromped through the grass back to Coven Headquarters to finish the spell.

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