Chapter IV

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Annabeth had seen a lot of things, but she hadn't expected to see a Coven of witches when she woke up.

When she had come to, she awoke to see Piper, Percy, and several strangers standing over her. Once they had all been introduced, Tegan revealed her proposition.

"We're struggling as much as you are." She said. "That means we need to work together, you solve our problem, we solve your problem. A fresh pair of eyes."

Annabeth exchanged a quick glance with Percy. "I don't know about Percy, but I say heck yeah!" She extended her arm to Tegan.

Grinning, Tegan gladly accepted, and they shook hands.

"So, where do we start?" Annabeth asked, just as fifteen more people walked in.

"I say we start by showing our amazing powers!" A blonde boy with light blue eyes said, snapping his fingers excitedly.

A girl with black hair and lavender eyes smacked him.

"Not the way Easton said it, but introductions would be nice." She stuck out her hand. "I'm Lily Warren. That idiot over there is Easton Corey."

"I'm Annabeth Chase." Annabeth held her hand gingerly. "I'm just wondering which cards are you? Not to be rude, but..."

"Nah, it's fine." Tegan jumped up and down. "Avengers, assemble!"

Tennessee groaned again, but the others lined up.

"I'm Chutney, the Fool Card. Number zero." A short girl with curly brown hair  said.

"Willow, Magician. Number one." Another girl followed after.

"Tegan Bishop, at your service, daughter of Athena!" Tegan squealed. "Oh right, number two, High Priestess."

Annabeth felt like she was smacked between the eyes. "What? How..." Then she saw the look in Tegan's eyes. "Oh...fangirl. Right."

"Emersyn Bishop! The Empress, number three and Tegan's twin!" Emersyn's eyes shined brightly. Great, another one. Annabeth thought.

"Tennessee Wildes. The Emperor, number four, and Tegan's soulmate." Tennessee looked downright terrifying.

"Bentley Bishop. Number five, Hierophant, also Tegan, Cooper, and Emersyn's little brother." The nine year old boy said, holding a golden locket.

"The Lovers, number six!" Easton wiggled his eyebrows at the daughter of Athena.

"I'm taken." Was Annabeth's firm response. Lily looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Devon Bishop. Tegan, Emersyn, Cooper and Bentley's mother. The Chariot, number seven." Her voice was soft and kind.

"Kessler Bishop." A blonde man with golden eyes nodded at me. "The Strength Card. Number eight. Devon's brother-in-law."

"Number nine, the Hermit Card was Kenneth Proctor." Devon said, sadness laced behind her voice. "B-but he fell to Witch's Shock."

The whole Coven lowered their heads and Annabeth felt a feeling of melancholy wash over the room.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered. "I know what it's like to lose--" She stopped short, not wanting to upset them anymore.

"It's fine." Tennesse brushed the question aside. "He's not lost yet." He insisted. "The Crones will fix him."

Tegan cleared her throat, and they continued on.

"Royce Redd, number ten, Wheel of Fortune." Royce winked and bounced his shoulders.

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