Chapter II

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Again, we do not own PJO HOO and the Coven, characters goes to the authors!


Birds chirped in the distance as Annabeth groggily forced her eyelids open. She sat up wearily, and scrubbed her face to wake herself.

She sighed and stared out through the opening in the tent. The Smoky Mountains were beautiful, and the perfect place to hide from the Romans, by using the wilderness as camoflague.

She headed to the small stream running through their small makeshift camp, and splashed some water on her face.

The cold, mountain water stung her face in the crisp, cool, winter morning, awakening all of Annabeth's senses from their slumber.

It had been four months since Octavian had ordered the destruction of Camp Half-Blood.

Four months Reyna and Nico had been taken and held prisoner.

Three since they had started running.

They had made it all the way to Pennsylvania before Octavian caught wind of the survivors. Ever since, Octavian had sent hunting parties after them, killing any Greek they laid eyes on.

They'd spent the last three months running, a new camp every day. Never in the same place longer than six hours.

Leave no tracks. No signs of life. Set up camp, pack up, burn the camp, and run. The same routine, over and over.

Sometimes Annabeth would just stop. She would just abandon all hope. Sit there and wait for the Romans to hunt her down.

Then maybe it would all be over.

Percy never let her.

He would drag her halfway across the state, until Annabeth would get with the rythmn and move of her own accord.

She dragged herself away from her thoughts and began taking down camp. The campers moved quickly, without speaking. They knew the drill, and they had gotten it down to a rythmn.

Within minutes, they had packed up, and Hazel held a lit match in her hand.

She mouthed a silent countdown. Three. Two. One. Everyone took off as Hazel let the match drop. The small flame jumped from one twig to the next, leaving small dots of light in it's wake.

Within moments the whole camp was ablaze. The campers had cleared off a safe distance away from the flames, and Percy doused the flames in water, erasing all trace of the Greek demigods.

As soon as the last of the flames had been doused, the campers took off once more, dashing through the Tennessee Wilds, their future as bleak as ever.



I grinned. "Hey, everyone wanted me to be Leader." Bettina rolled her royal blue eyes, a smile pulling at her lips.

"I didn't vote you in. I was still in handcuffs."

Easton threw his hand up in the air. "Oh Tenn, after we kill Joseph, can you put me and Lily in time-out?"

"So you can get her pregnant?" I shook my head. "Nope. Definitely not."

Lily narrowed her eyes at Easton. "I will cut it off if you even think of getting me pregnant."

Hunter snapped his fingers and pointed to me. "What she said."

Tegan shuddered and gagged. "Ew. Children. Hard pass."

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