Chapter III

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Sunlight flared in Piper's eyes as she opened them blearily. A blond boy leaned over her, and for a moment, Piper thought it was Jason, before she blinked a few times and realized the boy had purple eyes.

"Who are you?" She demanded. Then, again, her voice laced with charmspeak, she spoke again. "Who. Are. You?"

The pretty blonde boy smirked and rolled his purple eyes. "Please. I'm the literal embodiment of temptation and desire. Don't assume that I'll fall for your petty attempts."

Piper hid the confusion from her gaze. "Who are you?" She asked again, not bothering to slip charmspeak into her words. "I'm Deacon English."

"Tell her your middle name, Aubrey!" A voice called several feet away.

Deacon rolled his eyes. "That's my cousin, Royce. Pay no mind to him."

Piper squinted at him. "Your middle name is Aubrey?"

Deacon groaned. "Goddess no. Please stop."

Piper smirked. "No. Now, where's Jason?"

Deacon blinked. "Who's Jason?" He questioned.

"My boyfriend. He's blond with electric blue eyes, has a scar on his lower lip from trying to eat a stapler."

"A stapler?" Deacon looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Yes, a stapler." Piper looked dead serious. "Anyways, have you seen him?"

Deacon frowned. "No, I don't think I have. I'll check with Mona and Katherine in a little bit and see if Jason's around. He might be somewhere else in the infirmary, or he was moved to the Great Hall."

"Or I can go find him by myself." Piper attempted to sit up, but got pushed down by Deacon again.

"No." He said firmly. "Not until either Katherine or Mona clears you." He stood up, and paused. "Stay here, I'll find one of them." He said, before dashing off.

Piper tried her best to sit still, but her ADHD picked a bad time to kick in. A minute later, Piper was standing upright, and pacing the small hallway aggressively.

After pacing for about a minute, she bumped into a thick body. Startled, she pulled away to apologize. "Sorry." She mumbled, staring at the raven-haired boy with mismatched eyes. Clinging onto him, was a girl with raven-hair and pale green eyes, and the way they clung to one another looked like if they separated, they would be physically injured.

"That's alright." The boy said. "Tennessee Wilds." Piper shuddered inwardly, feeling the intense auras bursting from the two.

"I'm Tegan Bishop. His soulmate." The pale green-eyed girl said, eyeing Piper suspiciously. "Who are you?"

Piper held out her hand. "Piper McLean." Tegan took her outstreched hand.

Tegan gasped, and dropped Piper's hand like it burned her. "--The boy Deacon said you were looking for, your boyfriend? Is his name... Jason Grace?"

Piper nodded, a frown etched upon her features. "How did you..??"

"OH MY GODDESS!" Tegan screamed. There was a white, blinding flash of light, and she disappeared. A moment later, there was another burst of light and two girls appeared beside Tegan. One was a blonde haired girl with champagne colored eyes, while the other blond had royal blue eyes.

"EM! B! YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHO THIS IS!" Tegan screamed, causing Piper and Tennesse to wince slightly.

The blonde with royal blue eyes frowned. "Who is it T?" She asked.

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