What if

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I recommend that you read April Fools by HecateA on fanfiction before you read this. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing :(


Frank's blood froze, not only was Reyna's eyes bawling with fire, but he was getting hold by the coller of his t-shirt, one wrong move, boy was he dead.

'That's none of your concerns, Frank Zhang.' Reyna said bitterly, her legs shaking beneath her weight, 'But let's just say....I'm not in a joking mood.' With that, he left Hazel and him near the river, shooken up and too afraid to move.

'I'm guessing...I said something wrong...?' He hesitatally asked, 

'It isn't a good idea to mention Jason around her-especially at a time like this,' Hazel explained carefully. 'Rumor has it, that they been a secretly in a relationship....to be honest, they probably were, I known them long enough to know how much they meant to one another. Ask about anybody, Gwen, Bobby or even Dakota.'

-The arrival of Jason Grace-

Was it normal for a demigod to-literally- tumble down from the top deck of the ship, yet land safety on the ground without even breaking a bone? Well, by the looks of others, apparently it was very normal.

Gasps and cheers were heard all around, he sneaked a glance at Reyna with the corner of his eyes only to met death-warning eyes shooting back at him. He gulped, looking towards Percy and his girlfriend having a not-so-Roman reunion. He admit it, he wasn't around for a long time but he knowledged the fact Jason Grace was a huge part of Rome-and Reyna.

He sucked in a breath as Reyna took a calm step forwards the blond figure, 

'Reyna.' He greeted, a fiant smile on the side of his lips.

'Jason,' Reyna's voice was failing her usual "praetor" voice. 'It's been awhile.' He nearly laughed, dam just kiss already! Reyna slided her hand out, a formal Roman greeting, Jason took it-completely unprepared to know that Reyna was about to crush him in a hug, he has never seen her even hold somebody without threatening them, let alone follow it with a simple kiss.

That was all the proof he needed.

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