Early Morning

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For rashi170605 and everyone who has supported me in this small book of oneshots

It was early in the morning, too early in fact and Reyna groaned. The sun had barely reached the curtains and here she was on the bathroom floor, pale and frozen as if she had just seen a ghost.

Which she has before, many times.

"Rey, you in there?" Jason's voice enters through the closed door, "Rey, can I come in? Or do you need time? Lewis's awake." Reyna groans for the second time that day. It was 4:28 am and she felt as if she just went through a war.

"I'm coming in a bit," She manages before throwing the piece of plastic out. 'Should have been more careful,' her mind whispers.

As she opens the door she finds Jason entertaining the 2 year old, who was laughing at Jason with his fingers inside his mouth.

"Hm...no finger's remember?" Reyna tells Lewis, sitting down on the bed.


"No fingers," Reyna repeats. The baby pouts, allowing her to take them out. "See? Much better."

"No," Lewis replied before giggling again, fighting against Jason's fingers. Reyna signed, a smile slipping into her lips as she leaned back to watch. Maybe another one won't be so bad... the alarm clock goes off, bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Jason, it's like 5am." Reyna groans, "He needs to go back to bed, not tickle him to death."

"Do you want to go back to sleep Lewis?" Jason asks, poking Lewis in the rips.

"No?" Lewis answers, swiping Jason's hand away as it came back for the second time.

"See, Reyna? He doesn't want to go back to sleep!" Jason made a dramatic fall onto the bed as Lewis pulled an expected tiny tug onto his t-shirt, "Ark! No!" Jason screamed in agony and then took hold of Lewis, pulling him close against his chest.

Two identical eyes stared back at her with the same dam smile.

Reyna's smile grew and she lay down; with Lewis squashed against the two ex-praetors of New Rome.

"Go back to sleep, Jellybean." Reyna muttered, stroking his curls back. It only took a minute or two for the blue eyes to close, leaving Reyna and Jason wide awake at 5:08am.

"So...we're okay, right?" Jason broke the silence, "Like you didn't get an emergency call from Percy or Annabeth, Frank? Maybe Nico? Is someone in danger-"

Reyna laughed, throwing her head back to rest on the pillow. "No Jason, no one is in danger," she replied after a while.

"Then what woke you up this morning?" Jason asked again, slowly slipping from Lewis's grip to lean on his elbow.

"Nothing," Reyna mocked, "Absolutely nothing."

"Are you sure?" Jason asked one last time, blue eyes staring right into her eyes.

"I'm sure. Go back to sleep, Grace."

"Last names are we?"

"You're going to wake Lewis, go back to sleep."

"Hm...only if you do as well."

"Deal." She'll tell him when the time's right, but for now she'll just enjoy this small game of charades.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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