The day before (Pt 1)

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This wasn't a comment posted on any of my stories, (mainly because I only do it for fun and as a hobby) but I read it and this 'idea' literally ran inside my mind and started declaring it must be published, so here it is.

For blueargayent, if she/he/they/them is still around. 

'Reyna! Wait up!' Jason yelled as he sprinted to catch up to her, a nervous smile played on his lips.

'No way!' Reyna shouted back, dodging past citizens of Rome, she felt free-free from all the responsibilities, free from everything, just Jason and her. The two praetors panted as they reached the great oak tree near the river bank,

'Aw, come on! It's near the river-'

'Jason Grace afraid of water?' Reyna joked, sitting down on the fresh green grass. 

'I'm a son of Zeus, it's obvious.' Jason stated, leaning against the towering tree. Reyna rolled her eyes as she leaned her head on Jason's shoulder. 

'I love this.....' She whispered, the birds chipping loudly, the river flowing, the smell of fresh pine trees. 

'Me or the nature?' Jason chuckled, playfully jabbing her on the ribs before wrapping a protective arm around her.

'Both,' Reyna replied. A comfortable silence rang between the two teenagers. Just listening to the nature, no swords clanking, spears being snapped, arrows flying-just nature and them.

'Reyna,' Jason muttered quietly in her ear, Reyna jerked her head, showing Jason that she was listening. 'You know, I love you right?'

'Of course I do.' Jason smiled, his scar vanishing. 

'I just want you to know, I'll love you no matter what. Never forget that? Okay?' Jason stumbled while grabbing something from his pocket. A small box appeared, inside was a small sky blue bracelet (not too noticeable), carved: Jeyna forever. 

'Jason....' Reyna's mouth parted slightly in shock, 'Where....I mean how? It would of cost so much! I can't....'

'Just remember, half-bloods don't last long. I want you to remember, to keep on fighting no matter what-I'll always wait for you in the Underworld. Don't you dare kill yourself, okay? Got it? And remember, the good memories instead of bad, in your hardest times. Don't beat yourself up. You deserve so much more. You're everything to me, and I will do anything to keep you safe.'

For once the ever knowing-what-to-do-next praetor Reyna was lost for words. All she could do was kiss him.

The next day, he was gone.

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