Offel of the Past

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Nereus Flashback

"Nerreeeeeeyyyyyyyyy!!!!!"- Offel

"Nereus Hep!"- Offel

"Offeliiiaaaaaa!!Stop or I'll stick this triton to your fins"- Nereus

Calling him Offelia to annoy him works best to make him shut up.

"Why are so violent, Nereus a full moon is coming it is time" - Offel

"I know, we have to prepare" - Nereus

"I am worried leaving you, should I just not got to slumber and you know stay" - Offel

"Offel it is alright, like or not you will go to slumber, rest my dear it is already past your full-cycle you have prolonged it as long as you can"-Nereus

"Huh you want to get rid of me that much huh"- Offel

Even if Offel was a hundred years older he seemed more immature than me, pouting till we reached the shore. I just chuckled playing with the strands of his hair that had now grown long, braiding it to the sides.

We were sitting now atop the rocks awaiting for sunset to paint the skies red. And he stayed quiet.

"It not as if I want to get rid of you, I was planning to kill you already if you had not gone to slumber"- Nereus

"What!! Oiii how dare you after all these times I took care of you I loved you with all my heart you dare do this, you put shame to my undying love like how males sea horses sacrificed their lives just so they could produce offsprings. I am offended!"- Offel

He blabbered away sarcastically we both knew we are just making light of this topic so we don't get too emotional when the time comes.

"Stay offended and prove to me over and over again" - Nereus

I said in a small voice hoping he wouldn't catch anything but because of our heightened hearing, he whiffed his head towards me stopping me from fiddling with his hair.

"I wish I could, I wish I could my lovely Nereus." - Offel

He said with a sad smile and hugged me tightly not letting me go. I held on to him like nothing mattered except him and him alone. Pearls started to scatter around us we were both crying as the sunset painted the skies red and orange perfect for a beautiful parting we never wished to happen.

He brushed my cheeks and wiped my tears away.

"Nereus my love, I would leave you all alone and it pains me deeply thinking I will. never be by your side anymore. But know this one thing I will come back to you in any form, be with you until your last breath like how you would with me, I will always be here in you and you will be always here with me."- Offel

He held my hand and pressed it to his heart as his was pressed to mine. Our foreheads pressed to each other breathing in our scents, I will. never get tired of his scent of wood sage and sea salt combined. It lingered through the air as we shared a long sweet kiss underneath the dark skies littered with stars on moonlight, where waves crashed softly at the shores and winds hummed to the beat of our hearts. It was a fitting parting of lovers yet to be together again for the next life.

I woke up with that dream of Offel, It's been so long since I dreamed of him.
The deep waters were calm and the night sky still hovered above the ocean. I looked around my haven a cave underwater, seeing the broken ship that Offel hauled in said to be for aesthetics or whatever he was talking about, he was so fond of the human's ways even collecting gold coins that were already occupying half of the cave and some things that I human use. A tattered flag of a ship blew inside this cave had a space where humans could breathe but before you could get to it you have to dive surely until the depths of the ocean to reach it. I lay on the soft see grass staring at the ceiling of the cave.

It was easy crawling and maneuvering through the caves because of our strength so I was not surprised Offel hauled in things twice as much size as him.
I chuckled to myself remembering his quirks at times still I was troubled about losing the most important thing I have.
I groaned do I need to go to shore, would it be dangerous. It's been days or months I don't remember since I don't track time and sleeping long days when you're already near the slumbering period is part of the cycle process. I stopped going to shore and just lounging around here tinkering with stuff to ease boredom.

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