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New Pov

I woke up with the rustling of the curtains in my bedroom, the morning breeze blew cold past the curtain.
Hearing the waves that crash on the shore, I was at sea.
It was comforting I felt at home. My heart was at ease.

It was 2 years since I woke up, recovering from the accident 3 years ago. I was in a coma. My last memories before my slumber were inside a tipped-over where I was sitting shotgun and my parents in the back and a driver.
We were on our way to the company when a truck slammed into us dragging the car from the back along the highways then the car rolled over a few feet to the side falling over a ditch that was still on construction.
The driver and my parents didn't make it out alive, proclaimed dead on arrival at the hospital while I was fighting for my life.
With a right broken leg, a stab of a metal pole on my shoulders I was pinned on my seat, it took a few more minutes to get me out while I lost so much blood. The concussion on my head made me go into a comatose state.
I survived hanging on a thin line.

I sat in bed dragging my body on the edge to reach for the wheelchair, therapy has been helping me walk again it was a slow recovery since I had a badly injured leg, now I had metal stuck on my leg, and still becomes excruciatingly painful when it's the cold season.
I cannot walk that much a few steps make pain shoot up my leg. I am sick of staying at the hospital for therapy I manage to convince Pluem to go home and just stay somewhere with nurses attending me.
I sat with ease on the wheelchair that I am used to doing right now.
Moving towards the open windows to the patio overlooking the beach.

There's nothing there to see, it's not the pretty its just a plain beach and is secluded as well. But what makes it special is it was that place where that person is.

While I was in a coma I often dreamed of that person with a blinding smile, he shone like the sun, it was what kept me from fighting every day to makeup, the urge to see that person.
Sometimes dreaming I was the one he would talk and smile to, sometimes I'd be an audience looking from afar.

Sometimes New, sometimes Nereus he called me that, but he was always Taylen to me.
Taylen that smiled brightly
Taylen that cared
Taylen that cried
Taylen that laughed

It was always Taylen I dreamed about.

One time I dreamed about Nereus calling me, he looked exactly like me.
Like me but a little different which I cannot discern.

A lot like me and a little less more me is what I always think when Nereus comes to mind.

He told me I have to wait for that person because he was waiting as well. I smiled and told him this was just a dream and I will wake up one day not remembering anything at all.
He just smiled and kiss my forehead.

"Child, when you wake up he will still be waiting for you... Always waiting"- Nereus

" But I am not you, he is waiting for you"- New

"He will know I am not you but he will feel, that you and I are alike and different, he will know child and he will love you just as much because you are you and I am me. You are my gift to him remember he will not see you as me but see you as you are."- Nereus

I felt the morning calmness with my eyes closed. The sun has not yet risen.
My heart felt tingly and excited for some reason I can't explain, it was like a special day and it felt like the sea was calling me. Massaging my legs it felt relaxed, unlike any other day when it would be stiff and it is harder to move.
Feeling it up I think I can walk today. Balancing myself I stood up with the help of the handrail holding onto it until I was fully standing up.

" It's not that hard New, you can do it maybe you can walk the shores now"- New

Talking to myself with words of encouragement, holding on to walls and tables for support as I reached the front porch of the house. Remembering the cane that I forgot in my room, not would be a waste of energy to go back to I looked around and found a stick lying at the good of the stairs, I just laughed at what stupidity I was doing again. I knew Pluem would go ballistic so I tried to force myself to walk again.

I moved to hold onto the stick as support it is sturdier than I thought.
It was a weird feeling in all my feet pressing on the sands, I didn't wear any slippers I want I feel the sands on my feet and I was itching to do that since I came here.

I can walk alright but it's straining my legs because of being a dead log for 2 years of my life, my lower strength deteriorated and I have been doing therapy since.
And now being the stubborn me sneaking out without the house help knowing that they were all still asleep it's still a little dark.

It was what my dream was like, the sands the beach the rocks from afar. It was like I had been here trudging dragging my feet to where they should be. My heartbeats quickened as I neared the place where all of my dreams start and end.
The same rock which I always sat on and sometimes where Nereus would be.
I'd imagine him sitting and smiling at me.
Placing a hand on the big boulder I felt a certain connection I can't explain all the emotions flooded out and a tear escaped my eyes and a memory from the dream played back.

Nereus and Taylen saying goodbye to each other. It made me tear up, why it hurt badly and why did it have to end like that.

I was like a frustrated audience to a sob movie that I can't move on from because the ending didn't sit right with me.

I sat down beside the boulder near the edge of the rocks that meet the water. I dare not sit in Nereus's place I dare not pretend to be him.
Because Nereus was Nereus and I to myself we are alike but two different person in all.

A shimmer caught my eye under the water, it was small and shining as the waves crash the rocks.
I was trying to reach for it leaning dangerously close to the edge.
When somebody startled me and shouted.

I fell off balance and was drenched in the knee-high water.
When I turned around to scold the person, he was there. Standing the sun already peeking up shined on him like sparkles of fireworks that flares the night sky.

It was him, it was Taylen.

Everything went into slow motion as I stared at his shocked face as well like he had seen a ghost.
He was exactly like Taylen from my dream. His eyes, nose, and his smile that was bright as the sun.

He was smiling at me but I can sense that it was not New he was seeing it was Nereus and it pinched my heart to know that he was seeing me as somebody else.

"Oh Nereus what have I gotten myself into" - New

I whispered to myself as I reached out for his outstretched hand to lift me. The shiny-looking pearl in the water was long forgotten but hadn't lost its sparkle.
It will be a long day for me, A long day ahead. As my heart wavered at every word I hear from him. It swayed to his subtle touch that it flutters and I can't help it falling for the real thing not just from a dream.



Believe me when I saw it was not love at first sight since New had already seen Taylen's face but it felt like it to me... It was love at first sight second, third, and many more...
So he fell hard and plummetting fast.. 😅😅😂

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