There was you

78 10 1

Tay Pov

Pluem was surprised when we came back, I was carrying New on my back. He can't walk properly since his feet are swelling and I noticed a scratch on his foot. He must have gotten it from the sharp rocks when he fell.

His breath brushes my ears and I can't help but shiver at it, my heartbeat erratically. His arms wrapped around my neck as his chest leaned on my back. He was too close, too close I could feel his heart beating.

"Phi? Tay? Are you okay? What happened?? You're wet?!"- Pluem

I sat New to their couch gently. As he smiled at me.

" Thanks"- New

I just smiled back, I was still amazed at how can both of them look alike but still feel so different something about him is very different from Nereus. While we were walking he explained everything and I was baffled. Was it fate then I remember what Nereus said, the gift he was talking about. Still, it makes me uneasy about the things that are so out of this world I have no definite explanation for.

Unconsciously touching the bracelet clasps on my hand.
While Pluem was busy nagging his brother I just looked at them, he was real New was and he was human. He smiled like him, talked like him but he was not Nereus.
I didn't know that I was smiling while looking at him and when he noticed me starting he smiled back.

Then I was back in the city after spending my whole day at the beach house. Found myself sitting in front of my laptop confirming the cancellation of my flight tickets.
I stood up and gazed at the wide glass panes of my condo looking over the stars. Waiting for the call to connect, in a few rings, it went through.

"Arm, I think I found him. No, he found me"- Tay

" Tay, what? What are you talking about??"- Arm

" I'll be cancelling my flight, sorry change of plans."- Tay

Arm sighed on the other line.

"You know what... Ugh, nevermind just update on me, that's all I ask Tay. And please don't do anything rash okay?"- Arm

" I know, thank you bud"- Tay

"Talk to Nam" - Arm

"Alright"- Tay

I sighed, was I doing the right thing. I must be crazy. I think I am going crazy.

Then I sent a text to New, it was late but I sent it anyway.

" Can I visit you again? Tomorrow?" - Tay

A couple of minutes passed I was still standing there waiting for replies, he must be sleeping now. But my phone rang he was calling.

"Why are you still awake?"- New

That was the first thing he said. And I chuckled.

" Not even a hello?"- Tay

"You did not say Hi?"- New

New and his humor, it's a little awkward but it makes me laugh.

" What's so funny, so why are you still awake?"- New

" I just canceled my flight, can I visit you?"- Tay

"You can, but why cancel?"- New

" I wanted to find the answers to my questions?"- Tay

"What questions?"- New

"There is a lot to ask... But I want to know why my world stops when I look at you?"- Tay

"Is that a cheesy line because it's working" - New

"No, I'm serious New" - Tay

He sighed on the other line and it became quiet.

"I can't sleep, I'm thinking of all this"- New

"I'd say the same.. " - Tay

"I don't have answers to your questions Tay, all I know is I can help you find it. So help me find mine as well" - New

"Why are we living in pure uncertainty" - Tay

"It's those uncertainties that make it all worthwhile living, I was blessed to live my second life. This is a second chance for me. So I don't want to regret not doing things I wanted to do" - New

"I wish I could be as tough and brave as you" - Tay

"I'm not tough and I'm not brave either Tay, all I know is I had to face everything head on. I'm also scared of what this is but I want to try, I want answers as much as you do" - New

" Thank you New" - Tay

"For what?"- New

"For making me leap into the uncertain again, I want to give this a shot even if we don't know how well all of this turn out" - Tay

"I guess I'll just have to hold your hand, then we'll figure it out together"- New

"Yeah, hold my hand.." - Tay

"Goodnight Tay"- New

I can already picture him smiling at me on the other line.

"See you New" - Tay

I ended the call, smiling to myself looking forward to tomorrow seeing his face. I may be confused but I want to find those answers even if it meant breaking my heart all over again. I don't want to regret anything over again. Wishing that everything would fall into place.
I turned my back to head to my room not knowing a falling star passed by through the starry night.



Thanks for reading this short one. It took me long enough to finish this short story. I had pondered how to end and here I am and maybe I can do a second book for this, give me your thoughts. 🖤

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