It Lingers You

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"Offel my love he smells like you" - Nereus

As I look over his retreating back. I gazed on it till he was gone. That wood sage sea salt scent lingered in the air.
I chuckled talking to nothingness, talking to the stars, talking to the moon.

"I hope you don't mind love I gave him your last tear and maybe mine when the time comes" - Nereus

I smiled as I remembered what Offel had promised he will come back to see me off as well. But it enough knowing that he had tried going back to me in any form even if in a human form. He was already reaching my heart as I remember Taylen's hearty laugh. I guess it was nice to spend my remaining decades with him just talking and laughing easing my lonely heart.

"I will come to you soon Offel" - Nereus

"It's funny Offel with just a hint of his smell it reminded me so much of you, Taylen has his charms as well you two are very different and alike in some ways"- Nereus

I would always remember the time when you professed you're so-called undying love to me. It was the funniest thing that ever happened.
You were jittery the whole day as if I wouldn't notice how hard you are trying to hide everything from me.



Offel was swimming thru the seabed looking for me, as I was currently nursing the baby turtles that were newly hatched and on their way to the sea. Those cute little bunch fluttering like butterflies to the tides.

As he swam to me at full speed and scared some of the turtles that were swimming beside me making them run towards my arms. Aww those cute little ones are afraid.
Offel with a splash scratched his head then I sent him a water bubble smacking his face.

"hey!!!!"- Offel

" You scared the little ones"- Nereus

I shushed them and continued to guide them below the sea as Offel tagged along behind me.

"You're good at taking care of others"- Offel

" As I am also good at taking care of you!dimwit!"-Nereus

"Hey! Who are you calling Dimwit!! you love me!!"- Offel

He was circling on me seemingly excited.

" Whatever! what do you want Offelia?"-Nereus

"Well I want to show you something, come on hurry!!"- Offel

He grabbed me by the hand dragging me swimming thru the waters and straight to our haven.
He was grinning from ear to ear his tail jittery and excited showing as to how his black fins glimmered showing happiness.
When we arrived at the haven I saw a big ship, I was surprised at how he hauled it from his knows where to our place.

" Where did you get that? Oh my God! did you kill humans??!"- Nereus

"Hey!!! my heart is not as black as my tail, I saw it south and divided to drag it here pretty nice right it has some things inside let's see" -Offel

I hugged the pouting Offel.

"But in love your tail it's as black as the night sky and I love you stop pouting."- Nereus

His mood lifted and he led me inside the cabins of the ship, how he dragged this humungous thing unlike how lean his body is he is stronger than me so this was nothing. I smiled as I imagined him dragging the ship while singing his song, oh the horrendous song, not all sirens have a beautiful voice say for example Offel he can kill with it I tell you. I chuckled.
Then I hear him screaming his screeching voice echoed in the caverns of the haven.

" Hey hey Offel what's wrong are you alright??"- Nereus

"Haahhhhahhhh huh yeah.. I was just startled hahaha by this he came out of nowhere while I open some wooden things"- Offel

He waved the skeletal hand of a person. Seems he died with the sunken ship his clothes tattered and nothing but bones and some cloth covering him. Offel led him out and sat him on the chair of the cabin.

" There I named there John, John meet Nereus, Nereus meet Sir John he uhh.. He must be the captain of the ship!"- Offel

"Alright alright, Sir John! Sir Offel I greet thee sirs "- Nereus

I curtsied and greet him and Offel curtsied back. We were giggling with our fooling around. We opened everything we can and found a chest full of gold coins and pearls.

" Pearls? I wonder which mermaid made it?"- Offel

"We are the only ones I these seas, maybe from far oceans"- Nereus

" My cycle is near"- Offel

He held my hand we were sitting atop the table where John was sitting on the chair beside it. Our hands pressed together on the wooden surface as our tails sway back and forth and sometimes intertwine with each other. I flinched as he mentioned that.

"Nereus..."- Offel

" Ssshhhhhh.. It's love "- Nereus

I leaned to his shoulders, as he played with the gold coin and crushed it to dust, and tossed a few more on the floor. He was happy and now agitated for some reason. I looked at him and he was looking down, I tilted his chin upwards so he can face me.

" It's alright, we'll be together when my cycle comes as well, we just have to wait "- Nereus

His eyes wavered I don't want a wailing Offel in close proximity as I chuckled and smiled at him he looked pretty annoyed so I kissed him on the lips making long and sweet he was a bit surprised but then smiled in the end. I never initiated a kiss but when I do he knows that it is special.

" Oh?! Did John see that hahaha he didn't right?!"- Offel

"He didn't haha I bet he didn't"- Nereus

We were giggling like kids enjoying every moment of what was left to us.

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