A New Dawn

75 14 1

Tay Pov

Days blurred by as I began to bury myself with work.
It became a habit of mine to occasionally touch the bracelet whenever I became anxious and out of it.
Singto still gave me a stink eye every time my trip to LA nears. Arm who constantly calls and checks up on me.

"Might I remind you of your meeting with older Techaapaikun tomorrow in the morning" -Singto

"Okay, all's been set up right? I'll be leaving in a few days" - Tay

"Yeah you'll be free from me, celebrate" - Singto

"Yeah from your nagging! haha" - Tay

"Tay.." - Singto

"I know, I know I'll be careful. I would still update on my therapist, okay, heck namtan would give me an earful if not you know how she can be so loud" - Tay

"You know she's right, but she babies you too much I'm beginning to think she would adopt you and Joss might agree with that" - Singto

Singto was laughing, my face crumpled at the thought of calling Joss, my father. Never would I call someone so haughty as him.

"I don't like that, no never!"- Tay

Singto placed his hands on my shoulders and looked at me like I was not going to come back.

"Were your friends, we just want what's best for you Tawan. You don't need to rush things take time at your pace. Know what Namtan is right to take it slow it hurts now but it will get better somehow just don't forget to update her. Beep your therapist or she will fly to where you are" - Singto

Singto warned as he goes out of the room. I am grateful I have friends like them Singto and Arm were my childhood friends, Namtan a college friend, and my therapist, her annoying husband Joss I met later on. They were all supportive of me they were like family to me, since my parents retired abroad and my older sister is traveling from who knows where they are all I have here.

I looked out the window glass of my office in 3 days I'll be leaving it all. Thinking of starting anew, resetting everything. It was funny how those few months changed me and turned my world upside down. All I can do is sigh, touching the bracelet that Top just sent a few days ago the pearls encased on a single cube of each bracelet. A simple white gold chain and a small charm box encased the pearls. The two chains now hung on Tay's wrists.

Morning came.

I was driving along the coastal roads, I chose to drive my Ford Convertible for a change, the winds brushed my hair as I glided down the highways down to the seafront where the beach house is located. It was still early the sun was already peaking out at the horizon.
A perfect way to say goodbye, this will be the last I would be visiting.
They had invited me over for breakfast as I received a message from Pluem that they had been staying there since Monday and so far his brother enjoyed the place.

As I parked my car Pluem was already outside the porch having his coffee waving at me.

Instructing some helpers to get me coffee and serve breakfast.

"Hi sir, how was the trip? let's go in and have breakfast?"- Pluem

" Yeah, sure.. "- Tay

" Manow, can you call my brother now our guest arrived" - Pluem

I stood in the large lounge area of the house, some furniture was new and some things were removed but it still feels as homey as I left it months ago.
I smiled and felt relieved for some unknown reason, then I sat on the couch waiting for Pluem.

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