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I drank the night before the full moon but it was not enough to make my heart numb of what was to happen.
I steeled my heart waking up on this dreadful day.
Nereus had already accepted that the decades he was still supposed to have already come to an end.
He smiled through it all as if looking forward to it more.

I still remember his smile like longing for someone he was excited to meet in his next life.  But it hurt like hell how he smiled my heart feels like it was gripped and crushed into pieces.
This feeling I have for him, the moment we shared, that endless sunrise and sunsets will come to an end. Knowing that makes me don't want to go through the process of letting him go never seeing him again.

It was already noon and I haven't met him, I didn't dare to see him this morning and now I'm contemplating seeing him tonight.

I dragged my feet out of the beach house to the sandy shores, heading to that place whilst the sun was still high up in the sky, knowing that he will always be there sitting waiting for sunset.
My hands were shaking I am sobered up after drinking a couple more beers, I knew I smelled alcohol but I couldn't care less. I was tired my head hurt from crying and hangover last night.
I saw him from afar his fins swaying at the smooth waves that rippled through the rocky shore. He always shined like stars, bright and glittery as his smiles.

He sensed I was there looking out to him and he looked back at me smiling like it was not the last day we will see each other.
Tears started to trickle down my cheeks as I gazed at his face.
That face I'd never forget in a thousand lifetimes. It hurt. It hurts so bad.

Like a thousand needles pierced me slowly and painfully.

"Tay ... Taylen come .. " - Nereus

I shook my head refusing to be beckoned. I wipe my tears with my arms.

"Tay .. Please.. " - Nereus

I flinched as he called me a second time. My heart was heavy as I trudged toward him. Still sitting at the boulder looking down at me.
He caressed my cheeks and wiped the tear with his thumb.

"Don't cry child" - Nereus

"Not *Hick a *Hick child" - Taylen

"Then don't cry beloved, don't cry for me" - Nereus

"Nereus .. " - Taylen

"Is it possible to love 2 persons at once, I feel sad seeing you cry it hurts my heart as well leaving you behind" - Nereus

"Don't leave?" - Taylen

"I wish I could Tay I wish I could stay" - Nereus

I laid my head on his lap hugging his waist. The cold scales brush my cheeks a soothing sensation to my skin. He stroked my hair in a calming manner playing with its tips and feeling up my hair, combing his fingers through it.

" Though I'd have to leave, I'd never want to let you go... " - Nereus

He sang a lullaby soothing my ears I closed my eyes.

"You'll know how much I tried not to see you go but we know it just happens...
Everything will be better on its own
Because you know my love
I will always be in your heart
The deepest place only for me
In your heart
So my farewells will never be goodbyes
My hellos will always be my I love you's

I'd never leave I will always be here.."
- Nereus

He tapped my back from where my heart was close and I looked up to him to see his crying face as tears glittered and fell through the sand were pearls of white drifting to the waves.
I loosened my hug as he went down to sit on the sands and tapped his side to make me sit with him.

"You smell funny Tay" - Nereus

"Sorry, I drank" - Taylen

My focus was still on him as he looked at the horizon.

"It's beautiful" - Nereus

"It is beautiful" - Taylen

But I was looking at him my hand unconsciously stroking his cheek.

"You're beautiful, have I ever told you that" - Taylen

He laughed and face me his cheek pressing on my hand, holding his hand onto mine pressing his face to it feeling up my palm.

"It's warm, I like it" - Nereus

"I like you, I ... " - Taylen

"Ssshhhhh" - Nereus

"I know" - Nereus

He pressed his finger to my lips to shut me up. And pulled me into a hug.

"I will miss you Taylen" - Nereus

"I like you no I love you,... Don't.. don't leave me Nereyy" - Taylen

"I'm sorry Taylen I'm sorry" - Nereus

The sun was about to set. The silence enveloped the seas it was a calm serene moment.

" I have to go now"- Nereus

"No... Please.." - Taylen

I was already sobbing hugging him tighter not letting go.

"No .. No... Nereus" - Taylen

"Tay, I love you ... " - Nereus

"I love you ... Please ... " - Taylen

He broke the hug and faced me cupping my face, he was crying as well and smiling through it all.

"You have to see me, look at me Tay.. " - Nereus

"Nereus, I love you. I'll never forget you, don't forget me" - Taylen

"Never, I will never forget you, Tay. I love you Taylen" - Nereus

He pressed his lips to mine in a sweet and long kiss. I closed my eyes to feel every bit of it. He loved me back but he was leaving me.

"I'm sorry" - Nereus

When I opened my eyes he was fading in bright light as he was smiling reaching out for my hand and placing a tear-shaped pearl, pinkish-white as it sparkled. The sun had already set the moon was up and Nereus was gone.
It was dark again pearls littered all over my sides and the shore as waves drift some of them to sea. I snap up from reverie and instantly collected all that was left of Nereus.
Crying and wailing as I held all the pearls I could get before the waters washed over it. Grabbing what I could all of it that was Nereus.
I held it all close to my chest on my knees sobbing, I was already soaked in water. I called him many times I still stayed till late believing he would come back, believing it was all just a dream.

But he was no more, he is gone...

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