Chapter 5

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Y/n Pov

I come across this park that has swings on it. I got my headphones out to listen to some good old rock music. I sat on the swing and watched  the beautiful scenery. 

Sakura blossoms were soaring through out the air and landing on a pond's shallow waters.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. UGH my goofy ass brother Taiju is calling me again. I decided to answer the call for once

"Y/N! Are you okay?! Where are you" he cleared his throat and now tried to speak with a clear voice, "Y/n if you come home you won't be in trouble."

"Look Y/n we're not playing games any more so just tell us where you are!"

"You're such an idiot sometimes." I whispered then I ended the call.

Ran's POV

I followed Y/n to see that she sat on a swing  and listened to music. She then got a call from someone. I saw her hands were trembling. 

She then got up and skateboarded away. I get up out of the bush and followed y/n.

Apparently she went back to her apartment. She listened to some music and had a hamburger. I decided to get some groceries for her. She can't have hamburgers forever ya know.

Y/n's POV

Oh someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Ran Haitani aka Horse girl. 

"What do you want Horse girl?" I asked 

"I saw that you were eating a hamburger and I assumed that you need groceries."

"Wait what? How did you know?" I say with a confused face.

"So I kinda had to spy on you so that you wouldn't do something bad to other people. And Izana told me to."

bro could've just asked me if I needed groceries since I just moved in tho....

"Um don't tell Izana that I told you that he told me to spy on you." he 

I grasped the bag and quickly said thanks then I shut the door closed. I opened the bag to a bunch of fruits and vegetables with ramen packets. So I started making ramen for lunch.

 When it finished I remembered me and Yuzuha eating ramen together. I started to tear up. "Why did I leave that place again. I just want to go home!"

I texted Hana how Kiyo was doing and apparently she was alright. She has a broken leg and arm. She's going to get out of the hospital in like a month or something.

I ended up finish eating the ramen as I cried and went to sleep. My eyes were red and puffy as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning....

I text my friend Kai because I really need to get a job to afford my place. He's such an amazing friend. He used to live across the street from me but he moved a while back.

Y/n: Hey Kai remember that bar you own in Yokohama

Kai: Yeah? Why what happened.

Y/n: Can I join in on the underground fights or work at the bar, I kinda need some money.

Kai: Yeah sure we need some more people to fight, people are barely coming here anymore. It might get business booming again.

Y/n: ok well I just need a job anyways...

Kai: Sure here's the address ************

Y/n: I'll meet you there at like 5 pm or something like that.

Time skip

"Hey Y/n we have to go do some shit to a few people up wanna come?" Izana asks.

"Yeah sure I guess"

" alrighty let's go then"

We arrive to an alley and see 5 druggies that owe money to Izana

"Oi you little shits. Where's our money?" Izana asked

"ayy whatt did you sayyy I can't hear you!" One of the druggies asked.

" He said Where THE FUCK IS HIS FUCKING MONEY!!!!" I yell out. One of the druggies then punched me in the nose which surprised me. I remarked, "Damn you got moves mamacita"

The druggie looked at me like I was crazy. "Yo Wtf!"

Izana then kicked the guys in the balls and Shion started punching them under Kakucho's command.

" You okay Y/n?" Izana asks me. "Yeah Im fine" I answer back. "Hey Ran go get money from them while I take care of Y/n." He walks over to me and I touch my nose to see that it's bleeding.

"Hey Y/n come with me I'll get some tissues to stop the nose bleed."I stop him by wiping the blood off of my nose. " I'm fine I don't need it."

"Also next time don't say mamacita to them, it's weird and no one says that here." stated Izana.

"People do it in Tokyo though. We also sometimes moan at them and when they back up we hit them with a baseball bat." I grinned.
He looked at me like I was crazy, "Wtf, like actually, what the fuck y/n!"

"It's a good style of fighting though heheh" I giggled. Everyone looked at me like I was mentally unstable or high on weed. Who knows...

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