Chapter 16

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I felt a little happy when The Haitani brothers came to comfort me. At least someone didn't abandoned me.

I got soooooo bored in the hospital, I started to fucking read a book. Yeah that's right you heard me, READ A BOOK....

"Damn I didn't know you could read," That voice said. My eyes widened as I looked up to see who said that.

I requested, "What do you want from me Takao? I didn't snitch on your ass."

He shook his head, "It's something else. In the gang that I've formed there's no one worthy of taking my place."

"What's the point of this just get out," I requested sternly 

Another person entered the room. "Meet  Niwa Tadao. He's the vice prez of the Blood Skeletons," Takao introduced.

"He is now going to be your right hand man. I've decided that you'll be the leader of the Blood Skeletons," He told me. No more like ordered.

"Thanks for the offer but I'll pass," I refused. His face turned from neutral to stern.

"I wasn't kidding. It was an order." I laugh at his words.

"Soon I'll step down and you'll become the new leader. I expect it from you."

"Why me," I ask. Standing up from my hospital bed, I try to walk towards him.

He looks up and down at me, "You're loyal and you won't give up on your friends."

He started walking out of the room. Tadao stared at me, "It'll be nice working with you, Shiba-san." Then they all walked out.

1 day later...

I was out of the hospital now. For the fifth time in my life. Of course waiting outside for me was the two twins, Tadao and Takao.

"We're going to show you around our meeting spot..." Takao cackled. We hop on our bikes

What I've learned so far from these two was that Tadao was the quiet one while Takao was the loud one. Well what can I say, opposites attract.

They took me to this old abandoned hotel. There many people there.

Takao was explaining to me, "In Japan we are the number 3rd biggest gang. We always meet here because the police never bother coming even near the area."

I nod my head, "When are you stepping down as leader." He turns around and looks at me, "When it's time."

"Who are the gang's allies?" I questioned while looking around.

Tadao looked at me and said, "We're associated with the Yakuza. And they loveee us right Takao?" Takao was looking a little uneasy. "We had some problems in the past with them but we made agreements."

I had asked Takao once again, "When are you stepping down and why isn't your twin stepping down either?"
Tadao answered for Takao, "I want to still be in this life but he doesn't anymore." 

We left the area and the twins dropped me home.

I hopped off of the bike, "Aight so I'll probably have time to see you next week. Sorry, my schedule is really messed up right now."

"Nah it's fine just make sure it's next week," Takao said dismissing the fact that I lied to him.

'heheh lying is fun'

I walked inside my house to see no one there. I got out my phone to text Hakkai if anyone's here.

Me: hey bro is anyone at home rn?

Hakkai: Nah, i'll be home later and yuzuha will be home later.

Hakkai: just go out with your friends and don't get into any fights. BE HOME BY 6

Me: aight

I turned off my phone and started making some taiyaki. I put it in the microwave and started it.

I checked the time and it was 4:36 pm. I thought about what should I do to have some fun. I decided to watch some movies on the couch. I got my taiyaki and started the movie that I was going to watch.

Then my doorbell rang.....

Who do you guys think is at the door? Guess cuz I really don't know and I need Ideas soon otherwise ima have writers block.

I'm sorry that this book is so random....

Y'all whoever comments the best idea Ima use that for the next chapter for now I'm going to edit all of the chapters again


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