Chapter 14

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3rd person pov

A rumbling coming from motorcycles could be heard. Kantou Manji gang was following Mikey to the battle of the 3 deities.

"THIS FIGHT IS FOR DRAKEN!!" Takeomi yelled out. South also yelled out, "LET'S BEGIN THE WAR OF THE 3 DEITIES!!"

Sanzu cheered, "KILL EVERYBODY!!" and everybody started to fight each other.

But where was our dear Y/n? Well she was with Mikey and Koko.

Y/n Pov

I was with Kokonoi and Mikey talking about stuff. Then I saw a certain someone fighting. He looked at me for a second before smashing the guy's head, who he was beating up, to the ground and walked toward me.

"Y/n what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be doing shit?" He asked.
I laugh, "Now shouldn't I be asking you that? Isn't that right Kai?" I walk toward him and he walks toward me. "Why are you with Brahman? They're weak as hell."

We stare at each other for a minute and turn away from each other but...

"Why isn't it Y/n and her boyfriend," That bitch, South, said. I groaned, "Not here man, just no, god no."

He ranted on, "Why not you two go home. KIDS SHOULDN'T BE HERE!!"
People started laughing at us and I was about to explode. "I would smack you, but I absolutely hate animal abuse," I glare at him. 

Rokuhara was trying not to laugh as I roasted him. I turned around and looked for a certain girl. Then I saw her. 

I ran behind her and tried to punch her. Note that I tried to punch her. 

She blocked me but I ended up kicking her in the jaw. She ended up falling on the ground, "Your strong, for a girl." I looked at her in confusion. 

Then I laughed, "Your the one who talking. Isn't that right, Senju?" She tried to swept my feet but I moved away just in time.

"You know this is just like the olden days," I joked. "What are you playing at." Senju implied. 

I shrugged and as I did that someone went up to her and beat the absolute shit out of her. "Hey Shirai don't kill her." The kid named,Shirai, nodded his head. 

I looked at Senju, "You're lucky that he's not going to kill you. You see Shirai is a literal killing machine. He won't stop until someone tells him to." 

Takeomi see's Senju getting beat up by Shirai and tries to come over to us, but a bunch of Rokuhara members held him back. South came up to him. Takeomi started yelling at him. 

Then Benkei and Wakasa saved Takeomi. And they started fighting. I go to Shirai, "Hey Shirai did you finish the job?" He nods his head, leaving a bloody Senju on the ground. 

She groaned, "Y/n what happened to you? What happened to the funny little girl that I used to play fight with?"

I chuckled, "That funny little girl grew up. And I advise you to do the same. Shirai let's go find someone else to beat up."

Some Hours later

"Kantou Manji Gang has won!" Sanzu Yelled out. Everyone was tired. South was beaten to death. Rokuhara and Brahman are under Kantou Manji's rule now. Me and Kai haven't talked to each other since the fight.

"Shirai let's go to Seiichi's place. We can patch up there," I told him. He nods his head and we start walking to Seiichi's place.

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