Chapter 20

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Me and the Haitani brothers could hear them conversing to us. Rindou gets carried by Hakkai. Me and Ran were shocked

Mitsuya punched Ran in the stomach. Ran dropped to the ground. Then Mitsuya spoke, "stand up Haitani Ran, Let me show you how to fight 1vs1."

I was watching Mitsuya beat up Ran then I heard another voice pop up. "Y/n" It was a girl's voice. Thats crazy, the only girls who are here, are me and Senju.

I turned around to see who said my name. "HUH!" i yelled out. It can't be. Wait, can it actually be her? Tears welled up in my eyes and I smiled, "I thought you was missing man." I wiped the tears off of my face. "nah man, I'm a figment of your imagination." She jokes.

I go over to her to hug her. "I missed you Etsuko," I whispered.


Y/n was 9 years old and Etsuko was 10 in this.

I was sitting on a swing crying my eyes out at the park near my house. Yuzuha got hit by Taiju because of me shattering a plate on accident. She yelled at me to not do anything to piss off Taiju but she ended up being the one who was pissed.

I ran out of the house when she yelled at me. Childhood Trauma can make you do weird stuff.

there was this girl who was on the playset. she was staring at me. she started to walk toward me.

"Hey, my name's Etsuko. You okay?" She asked me. I stared at the ground shaking my head.  I looked up, "I'm so useless. at least that's what my sister thinks."

"You're not useless." I smile, "How do you know that. My brother is always mean to my siblings and me, no one does anything cuz we're too scared too and when I end up doing something wrong my sister has to take the blame for it."

"Oh, I have money! Do you wanna get ice cream with me?" I nodded my head and she grabbed my arm, pulling me up, "Alright let's go then!"

From then on we started being friends. She even introduced me to Kai.

Y/n Pov 10 years old

I was walking with Etsuko to this cafe to get some cold sweets cuz it was hot outside.

As we were walking we got pulled back by this random old ass dude, "What are two pretty little ladies doing here right now"  We started yelling and trying to get him off of us. "Let go of us!" 
"What do you want man!" 

He started drag us to an alleyway.  Etsuko kicked him in the balls and I punched him in his face. We ran really fast but it was no use. He caught up with us and grabbed Etsuko.

 "ETSU!" I ran toward her but her next words shocked me, "GO! GET OUTTA HERE!" obviously I still ran toward her but I was outta breath. The guy who grabbed her ran faster than me, and I got left behind.

I went home to tell Yuzuha and Taiju nii-chan but they thought I was lying. I had never cried so much in one night. The one friend that I had was gone. The one person who actually cared for me was gone.

"Come back Etsu, please.." I cried out in my sleep.

Backstory over.

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