CHAPTER V - The Queen

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Kadita sipped her warm chamomile tea as she conversed with her two friends and a foreign General. Shin can't help but  glance back at the blue-eyed woman. She's wearing a mermaid green dress, some sort of weird armor, and a crown. While Badang, Lapu, and Kadita chat together, they just end up laughing when someone tells a joke. A few moments later, their conversation gets more serious until Shin decides to talk.

"Excuse me I want to talk about something more important, much appreciated if the Queen will listen." Shin politely said while bowing a little.

Kadita turned her gaze to the General who just spoke, before she put aside her empty cup of tea.

"Very well you may speak, make sure it's worth my time or else." The Queen just glared at him before she smile allowing him to speak.

"Your highness, I'm from Cadia Riverlands Continent from the Northern part where City of the Dragon is. I want to discuss about trading here in Vonetis Archipelago. Expecting the three Islands will cooperate w/ me." Shin explained.

"Does Badang and Lapu agreed to your trading system and trading conditions." Kadita looked back at her two companions carefully squinting her emerald sea green eyes.

"Ah yes they do, worry not I assure you to trade fairly to Vonetis." Shin stated.

"Could we trust these people from Cadia not to invade Vonetis Archipelago and the South Sea?" The Bluenette asked.

"Yes your highness, we assure you. If we break the promise feel free to take my head first." Shin bravely said making Badang and Lapu gasped both.

The Queen burst into laughter before she straightened herself and took something. Magically, Kadita summoned a scroll, intricately designed with tribal and Oceanic symbols. Lapu got some rooster feathers while Badang handed out the ink.

"Well then here read this agreement, this will be the Trading conditions of the Island to your City. Me and my companions will sign this first." The Vonetis Trio signed first before giving the paper to Shin so he could sign too.

"I hereby declare, this is the official start of trading between Vonetis Archipelagos and City of the Dragon." Kadita kept the Trading scroll she got.

The three exchange handshakes with Shin. Something felt weird when his hand touched the Queen's hand. It feels almost scaly and wet, like Ocean water. Shin pulled back his hand immediately. Awkwardly glancing away from the beach. Kadita stood up first while holding onto the pavilion post and told her friends about the gathering.

"Oh and you three are invited to the gathering tonight please don't disappoint me. I expect you three wear green formal clothes okay." Kadita said before she float away back to the Castle of Blue Flame.

"You two didn't told me that the Queen have magic." Shin said tilting his head slightly.

"Oh we didn't?" Lapu fake a laugh.

"Well it went great, the trading will start very soon probably." Badang told.

"The Queen really looks a lot like the Statue at the foot of the mountain." Shin gaze to the towering stone statue of the woman holding a Trident, just few walks from the Beach Pavilion.

"Let's go we have the whole day to prepare for the evening ball." Badang dragged his friends w/ his Iron arms.


Night came, and the Blue Flame Island got surrounded by Blue Ocean mist again. Shin felt weird, but his friends assured him that the three of them would wear formal green clothes, as the Queen told them. Once again, they climb up the marble stone stair atop the Blue Flame Castle, where large doors carved with Oceanic designs are freely open and guarded by some Tribal knights. Once they entered the castle, the illuminating green lanterns seemed to glow a bluish color. The halls are also designed by both Oceanic and Tribal designs, such as even paintings and emerald green carpet along the floor till it reaches the Ballroom.

"Lapu-lapu of Perlas Island have arrived." The announcer of guest said.

"Badang of Solari Island have arrived."

"General Yi Sun-shin, foreign guest from Continent of Cadia have arrived." The moment Shin's name echoed to the Ballroom, other guest stare at him.

"Gatotkaca have arrived to escort his dear sister." The Chad man w/ two Iron gauntlets entered waving at the crowd.

"The Pearl of the night has come, please welcome the former Princess of Blue Flame! The Queen of South Seas, The Ocean Goddess Kadita!" And Kadita was escorted by her brother Gatotkaca.

The Bluenette, wearing her usual Green dress and Oceanic armor with the crown, entered the Ballroom. Whistles and cheers from the crowd greeted the beautiful Queen.

"Good evening my dear subjects, this gathering tonight is to celebrate the succession of Vonetis Trading to the continent of Cadia. I hope you will enjoy the Ball tonight. Long live to Vonetis Trio and South Seas!" Kadita exclaimed before she sit on her Oceanic throne.

The mellow music of the Waltz began to start, and some guests and other dancers gathered on the floor. It may be weird to see Lapu and Badang together, but both of them showed their tribal dances just like way back on their Island. Kadita just giggled on the throne, watching her two best friends having fun.

As for Shin, he just enjoys watching the others dance on the dance floor. He may still be bothered by the rumored siren who tried to drag him down beneath the depths of the ocean. A waiter just passed by and offered him a glass of drink. Shin gladly took it and sipped its contents. From the throne, Kadita just gazes at the general, who's enjoying the whole Party. The Queen motioned to her personal butler to announce her first dance for tonight.

"Queen Kadita, spotted the luckiest man tonight to have her first dance."

The Bluenette woman stood up from her throne, and so the spotlight turned to the Naval General, who had just finished his drink. "The Queen wants to dance with me?" Shin thought to himself. Slowly, Kadita approached him, and Shin just bowed in her presence.

"General Shin of City of the Dragon, please be my first dance." Kadita's lovely voice make him stunned.

"I-I accept to be your first dance, your grace." Shin bowed once more before offering his hand.

The two went to the dance floor, and Shin wrapped his right arm around Kadita's waist. The Queen just faked a smile before giggling; she took Shin's other hand before they glided together to the dance floor. Two of them were in sync together, dancing and waltzing. Shin felt intimidated by the Queen's presence.

"I felt guilty for chocking you deep down the ocean." Kadita just whispered under her breath.

"Did you say something, your grace?" Shin ask as they keep on dancing.

"Oh I said, may our trading be successful and I'm glad to meet you General Shin." Kadita smiled innocently.

"Please to meet you too Queen Kadita." Shin returned his genuine smile.

Edited: 07/07/23

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