CHAPTER VI - Arrangements

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Weeks passed after the Ball from Blue Flame Island happened. His one-month vacation to the Vonetis Archipelago is almost finished. Yi Sun-shin seemed interested in knowing more about Kadita, so he asked his friends about her. Badang and Lapu seemed intrigued by why the General showed interest in the Queen of South Sea. Lapu is thirsty, so he decided to climb up the palm tree early in the morning. Shin went out of his room before greeting his friends, and as for Badang, he went out to join the local fishermen.

"Good morning Shin! How's your sleep?" Lapu greeted whilst taking coconut atop of the palm tree.

"Oh hey, good morning too Lapu! Well I still see the Siren haunting my dreams." Shin answered back.

A loud thud could be heard after Lapu jumped off the palm tree; he had already thrown five coconuts down earlier. He sheathed his dual blades behind him as he approached his companion.

"I didn't know that our Friend, Gatotkaca was the Queen's older brother." Shin sighed.

"Nope they're not siblings by blood, but siblings by Nationality." Lapu-lapu prepared the fresh Buko juices.
(Curious why siblings by Nationality, that will be mentioned on another book soon.)

"I need to clarify something to Queen Kadita, I might get answers from her." Shin muttered.

"About your haunting dreams? The Mermaid? Ocean Monster?" Lapu handed him a Buko Juice.

"Yes yes I will talk to her once I meet her again." Shin stared at the Blue Ocean, just a slight tint of pink spread across his cheeks.

"You're blushing my friend." Lapu patted his shoulder.

"W-What? Me? Blushing, hahahahaha dream on Tribal Warrior." Shin smirked.

"Of course you are, during your dance w/ her you can't take off your eyes to her. I still remember that and so is Badang." Lapu chuckled eating a fresh Mango he got from his Bamboo hut.

"Tomorrow is your last day here. Do you want to spend time w/ the Queen?" Lapu asked the Naval General.

"I guess so, I might want to spend time w/ her before me and my crew go back to Cadia Riverlands." Shin looked back to where the tribal locals finally presented his new travelling ship the built.

The two of them didn't notice Badang had already arrived along with the other fishermen. They got a hoard of fish, especially Tuna, the bigger ones. Perlas Island is also productive of Tuna and some other tuna products. The Iron fist slapped his friends back, and he just received some groans and ows.

"Ow! That hurts don't surprise us like that Badang." Shin endured the pain.

"Hmm I get used to this. Just don't slap our back harder you know. You got Iron arms, our lungs might get fall off." Lapu complained.

Badang chuckled and greeted his friends; after that, they decided to cook for their morning meal. Making a fish soup with some vegetables. During their meal, the Iron Fist discussed something serious with them.

"You guys remember Gatotkaca attend the Ball the last week yes?" Badang sip from his warm bowl of soup.

"Yes we remember that." Shin nodded.

"He wants you to be his guest at the Blue Flame shore, Shin. Gatotkaca wants to talk something to you, important matters he said." Badang explained.

"Really? Did he say anything about the discussion?" The general asked.

Badang shrugged, shaking his head, and resumed eating. When the three of them had finished their meals, Lapu and Badang accompanied him to the Perlas docks.

"This is where we part ways, you can comeback anytime here. Alright we'll miss you, and send us a letter what's your discussion w/ Gatotkaca okay." Lapu smiled to his Korean friend.

"Thank you for welcoming me here and my crew. Anyways I'll go now meet Gatot." Shin board on a small fishing vessel to Blue Flame.

By the seashore, Shin could already see the Gatotkaca doing his morning exercise with his dual iron gauntlets. He jumped off the boat, slowly walking to where the Strong Indonesian God is. From a distance away from them, Kadita floated freely until she arrived at the shoreline of Blue Flame. The Ocean Goddess approaches her brother and the General.

"Good morning brother, why do you summon us?" Kadita side glance on Shin.

"I want to discuss some important matters and this will help the two of you." Gatotkaca begin to talk.

Her brother's towering figure intimidated the young general, while Kadita was just carefree. Both lend their eyes and ears, ready to hear what Gatot will tell them. The Mighty Guardian took the Ocean Goddess hand and also the Naval General's, making Shin grasp Kadita's hand.

"Brother w-what are you doing?!" Kadita gasps, Shin didn't mind holding her hand.

"I know both of you are powerful when it comes to Ocean/Sea.  You two are unstoppable together and now this is the right time."

"Please go straight to the point brother, I don't need to waste my time with this mortal." Kadita glared at Shin who keep on holding her hand.

"As your older brother, I the Mighty Guardian arrange the Ocean Goddess and Naval God of War in arrange marriage." Gatotkaca suddenly declared.

"Apa Saudara?!" Kadita yelled as she glance up her Brother.
(Indonesian translation: "What Brother?!")

"Neo jinsim-iya?" Yi Sun-shin complained before giving a side glance to the Ocean Goddess.
(Korean translation: "Are you serious?")

"My decision is final for you two, also it can benefit you two together. Both can strengthen each side when Oceanic war might happened. Each domains will be larger now." Gatotkaca explained thoroughly to them.

"I accept this Political Marriage!" Yi Sun-shin exclaimed out of nowhere.

"Great decision! Now that's settled." Gatotkaca clapped his large hands.

"Brother why?! Why him? I didn't know this General we've only met once. Please don't make such kind of decision for me, you're not my brother biologically." Kadita drew her Oceanic Trident but she got restrained.

The mighty guardian used some of his electricity to restrain his stubborn sister. Gatotkaca just glared at her before Kadita lowered her spear again.

"This is the best I could do for you Sister, forgive me but I only want to help you." Her brother sincerely said it.

Kadita clenched her teeth before staring daggers at Yi Sun-shin; later on, she shifted her gaze to the calm blue ocean. Tears started to form in her eyes as if she felt betrayed by her own brother, yet she couldn't hate him. She sat on the shore, letting her dress get dirtied by the sand. She can't do anything right now; she's tied to a marriage she never wanted. The Ocean Goddess feels nauseous, but before she finally collapses, her brother catches her unconscious body.

"Are you sure this is fine, Gatot?" Shin ask concerned while glancing at the unconscious Queen.

"Yes it will be fine, she will understand soon. Perhaps you two could actually fall in love." Gatotkaca murmured.

Edited: 07/07/23

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