CHAPTER X - Stormy Wedding

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The month of the wedding came, the weather is still bad, and the sun hasn't shown up from the sky. Dark clouds moved closer as Shin waited for his bride. When Kadita finally knew the truth—that Shin lied and betrayed her—she just kept her silence. She will let the Wedding pass, then she could run away back to the sea again. It is a Naval wedding; Shin's entire fleet has their battle formation but is now decorated with florals and other flowers, such as white roses. The ships are laced in Red, Gold, Sea green, and Ocean blue. The wedding may look perfect, but the bride feels distressed.

Kadita kept on pacing back and forth to the main harbor of the City of the Dragon, wearing her Wedding Hanbok dress now. Pure white with sea green designs embroidered to the silk fabric of her dress. The maids dressed her beautifully, making her perfect. This is her wedding day, yet she didn't feel excited at all. Kadita felt only anger and distress. She boarded a small boat, where one of Shin's crew guided her to the main wedding ship. The harsh waves of the ocean rocked the boat and the other ships. Kadita looked up at the sky before smiling mischievously.

"Lady Kadita, we have arrived now." The crew said at her, guiding her now to the upper deck of the Main wedding ship.

Once she was there, her brother Gatotkaca approached her, giving his sister a warm hug. Kadita embraced her brother, containing her tears. She doesn't want to cry right now; she doesn't want to reveal what Yi Sun-shin has done to her. Knowing that her tear pearls aren't pure white now instead of Shadow black pearls. Gatotkaca offered his arm to his sister so he could guide her to the aisle.

"I miss you a lot Dear Sis. And now you're going to marry the Naval God of War." Gatotkaca grinned at her, yet Kadita just faked a smile.

"I miss you too Brother, oh btw Badang and Lapu have attended yes?" Kadita tried to be cheerful but she miserably failed.

Gatotkaca remained silent, not wanting to tell what actually happened to Badang and Lapu. The two Tribal warriors failed to attend the wedding; her brother knows that. Kadita's brother didn't mind the weather right now, but Shin's whole fleet feels this event is a bad omen. The young Queen didn't notice the presence of his two friends, which makes her worried about why Badang and Lapu didn't come. Thunder clouds seemed to get darker and darker as Kadita walked to the aisle with her brother Gatotkaca. At the edge of the aisle, Yi Sun-shin waited for her wearing his White Hanbok clothes with Red ornaments.

Shin smiled as if the weather were nothing to him; he already knew that Kadita was an Ocean Goddess the moment Gatot arranged them together. When Gatot and Kadita reached the end of the aisle. The Iron God held her Sister's hand to the Naval General. Shin accepted Kadita's hand; he smiled genuinely happy, yet Kadita was slightly shaking in anger. The thunder roared above as Kadita clenched her teeth inside her mouth.

"Let us now witness the Wedding of Admiral Yi Sun-shin and Princess Dewi Kadita." The priest started.

Kadita nodded, only letting her old name be used when she was the former Princess of Blue Flame Island. The wedding continued to sort itself out, and the raging sea got wilder and wilder the moment the peak of the wedding came near. On the other ship, the three women who disguised themselves as maids and helped Kadita before just watched the wedding ceremony. The First Legal Wife and the two concubines smirked in annoyance as Shin and Kadita kneeled together in front of the Wedding Altar. Both of them bowed their heads as the Wedding priest let the ceremony continue much further. Later on, the vows began to start, and Shin said his vows first to Kadita. Longingly watching her sea-green eyes, he took a deep breath before saying these words.

"I may be the luckiest Naval God for meeting such a beautiful Queen and Ocean Goddess like you. The first time I met you, you were snobbish toward me and treated me coldly. I didn't expect your brother to set us up together in this political marriage. But right now, I would like to thank him for letting his sister be mine and be my future wife. I promise that I will help you with all of your problems, and I will confess all of my sins to you if you feel malice toward me. I swear to the Amaterasu Goddess of Cadia Continent that I will never Lie and Betray you and that I will love you more than I could." Shin finished his vows.

Kadita just grasped his hand tighter, biting her lower lip. She doesn't believe any of Yi Sun-shin's words. He already made a mistake; he already betrayed her and lied to her. This time Kadita started her vows, and she inhaled first. Everything she will say now will be fake; her heart has only just devoured it in anger.

Goddess, Queen, or Princess—that's what people think of me, but when it comes to you, I'm only your honey, and you're my Honeybunch. I never agreed to this political marriage at first, but now I understand. I understand how my feelings started to bloom for you; I felt different the moment we kissed and confessed to each other. I'm very lucky to have you as my husband now, Admiral." Kadita felt her voice monotone, but she didn't feel any butterflies or even a flush in her face.

Her vows are lies, and his relationship and marriage to her are lies. Both of them lied, but Shin made a bigger mistake. As the two were finally done reciting their vows, the Priest started to lead the wedding ceremony to the wedding rings.

"Repeat after me." The priest said.

I, Admiral Yi Sun-shin, will take Kadita to be my lawfully wedded wife, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, Shin said.

I Princess Dewi Kadita will take Yi Sun Shin to be my lawfully wedded husband for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, Kadita said hesitantly, shaking more in anger now than before.

"I declare you now husband and wife! You may now kissed the bride." The priest concluded.

But before Shin could kiss Kadita, a Giant tsunami loomed over the Main wedding boat. Shin didn't anticipate it to happen, but Kadita let her emotions overtake her, thus making the boat crash with the enormous Tsunami. The whole fleet stared in horror as the Admiral vanished into the Ocean with his very own concubine.

Edited: 07/07/23

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