Chapter - 9 : The "Date"

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A/n: made this chapter twice as long compared to the rest of the chapters, so enjoy!


Talking = "Hi"

Thinking = 'what to do today'

Action = *moonwalks*

Yandere voice = "y/n-kun~"

R/g/n = random girl name

R/d/d = random drunk dude

R/d/g = random drunk girl


~Nightime, No one's POV~

We see muzan and y/n going around Asakusa while holding hands so y/n won't get lost around the unfamiliar streets, much to the joy of muzan.

Muzan: "so y/n, are you enjoying this place."

Y/n: *turns towards muzan with a big smile* "i absolutely loved this place, there are so many different types of shops here and there's still many places where we didn't go today."

Muzan: *blushing* "we can go to those places we didn't visit today sometime later darl-y/n."

They kept walking for sometime around the place quietly because y/n was busy admiring the beautiful place and muzan was just blushing and happy that her darling enjoyed the "date" she planned. Until her eyes landed on a shop, And seeing that shop she suddenly had a thought as she realised something.

Muzan: 'i didn't buy a gift for darling!'

Thinking that this won't be the perfect "date" if she didn't bought anything for her darling. She grabbed your hand and started walking towards the shop.

Y/n: *walking behind her* "umm, where are we going muzan?"

Muzan: "i want to give you a gift y/n."

Y/n: "huh, but there's no need to buy something for m-"

Muzan: "please y/n, i really want to give you something. And I think you'll like this gift."

Before y/n could say anything they arrived at the shop which was a jewellery shop

Y/n: "umm, muzan what are we doing in a jewellery shop?"

Muzan: "don't think too much about it, come on lets go!"

Muzan and y/n entered the jewellery shop and muzan immediately started looking for the best one for y/n. After sometime she found what she was looking for.

Muzan: *looking at what she bought for you* 'this one will definitely look good on darling.'

After admiring the thing she bought for you, she went towards you.

Muzan: "y/n, look what i bought for you." *Gives this to you👇*

" *Gives this to you👇*

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