I'm finally back.....sort of

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A/n: "Yo, been a while since we talke-"

Readers: *states motherf*ckerly in 99+ notifications*

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Readers: *states motherf*ckerly in 99+ notifications*

A/n: "....I have a lot to catch up to huh..? Well, anyways. I'm uploading this chapter because I wanted to say that I might be able to write again sometime soon. And if you want to ask why I haven't posted anything in a long while....weeell. new class, plus some other personal problems that I'd rather not start ranting about and most importantly, because I got obsessed with Genshin Impact and have already reached Sumeru within not even a month. And I swear man that every time I play in Sumeru it feels like I'm playing in a cheap copy of India. Like bruh, anybody remember that "Raunak" NPC? that's the most indian name I've seen in that game. And I literally have a relative who is named Raunak."

A/n: "But that's besides the point. I wanted to say that I'm officially announcing the end of this story, this is now a complete story of mine. I really didn't want to stop writing this one because it's my favourite and had really hoped to reach 50 chapters before ending this that's why I was doing the Multiple ending things, but it's really hard to think of a new ending when your brain has accepted a different ending already. And this story already has an ending, two of them actually. So it's time to finnally end this one. Well then, it was nice to talk with every single one of my readers and it was a great experience, hope to see many of you back on my different stories, not that I'm saying your obliged to read them, it's upto you to decide that. Well I've said enough already, Thanks for giving this story all the love and support that you all have. Goodbye for now, my dear readers.

 Goodbye for now, my dear readers

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