[6] Canines Comprehending the Chasmic Cosmos

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When Chess included himself into Kipo's little party group, he found himself given a warm welcome. He seems to fit right in the band of misfits. Humans and Mutes working together is often a rare thing. Then again, the Mutes in the group is a blue pig with four eyes, and a bug that continuously molts like the stages of life. Chess is a few inches taller than Benson, making him the tallest of the group.

When asked why he joined their party, his king piece (now back in the form of the armored arm) replies "THE OPERATOR OF THIS UNIT WISHES TO FIND THEIR TRUE ORIGIN.". And when asked for further details, the arm answered with "OPERATOR HAS INSUFFICIENT RECOLLECTION OF PAST LIFE. AN ANSWER CAN NOT BE GIVEN DUE TO PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE.". This answer usually stops them from asking for further details.

After all, there's not much to get from someone who doesn't remember their past.

Benson seems to be the one leading the group this time around....except he doesn't really tell where he's exactly going. And Kipo's been saying many things about the world. It really shows her curiosity about the surface, even if it is a bit...odd?

"So, Benson, where are you taking us?" is the statement that Kipo starts with.

"Kipo..." Benson replies as a parent would to a child when they're about to do something bad.

"Come on! We've been walking for forever." Kipo whines. "I know you said it was a surprise. But what if I guessed?"

Benson didn't even answer and Kipo just continued with her fantastical hypothesis. "I've got it. You're taking us to a mystical blind woman who lives in the trunk of a spooky old tree and doesn't need eyes because what she can see is the future."

This is one of the many imaginary machinations she's proposed in the past...uhh...Chess kind of lost count. Got too busy thinking about food.

"Okay, first of all, it's been an hour." Benson points out. "And second, what?!"

"She's not gonna stop." Wolf's straightforward explanation cuts to the chase. "Just tell us."

"Look, if there's anything that I learned from my time on the surface, it's that you gotta enjoy the journey, not just the destination," says Benson.

To which he immediately snaps. "So shut up and enjoy the journey!"

Everyone, even Chess himself, was kind of stunned at the outburst. Benson recollects himself and sighs.

"Sorry," he apologizes. "We haven't eaten in a while, and my blood sugar is crashing."

As if to prove his point, Chess's stomach growls rather loudly. His cheeks flush in embarrassment as he covers his belly with his arms. "Ehehe...."

"See, this is why I don't have blood." Dave adds, which Chess found a bit disturbing. Dave proceeds to fall flat on his face as they all continue. Kipo groans as the journey is clearly not over.

"So, this Scarlemagne," Kipo soon jumps to another conversation. "What does he want with my people."

Chess has heard of that name. People of the Timbercat forest use that name sparingly as if evoking it will anger the person in question. It's held in high regard and fear of what he saw in the other cats.

"Who knows?" Wolf says. "If he's using mind control on a Mega Mute, I guess he could try to use it on them."

"Eh?" Chess needed to ask Wolf.

"Huh?" Wolf is rather confused. "What is it?"

"Umm..." Chess tries to make gestures of mind control. It was him pointing to his head and making swirling motions with his other hand.

Finding The Way Back (A Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora