[7] Great Plans for the Great Grand Game

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It all started with the Big Bang

An explosion so great in which we all sprang

The universe dispersed mass traversed space-time passed-

Look, to be frank, Chess is delighted in seeing the passion of Billions and Billions. They made props to explain the facets of the history of the universe, and their rap is definitely good.

It's just...well, the information is leaking out of his ears. It's not that he's stupid, far from it. It's just that the knowledge of the cosmos is just...too big for him to handle right now. It's just being interpreted as jibber-jabber that has the implication of the scientific facts that he doesn't understand. Chess could only watch in awe of the passion of the two brothers as they continue their rap.

"Big Bang?" Dave is expressing Chess's own inability to not understand. "These Wolves have no idea what they're talking about." Except for that part.

"Ooh, let's sneak back to look at the telescope while they're distracted." Kipo says in a hushed tone.

"No, we stick with the plan." Wolf objects. "We stay until they're asleep."

"My dad might not have another night. This is our chance!" Kipo reasons.

The dark-furred Billions land right on the table, facing Wolf specifically. Chess veered back from the impact, and everyone else is surprised by the suddenness of it.

"Now it's time to break it down!" Billions aims his eyes at Wolf as he screams with savage yet rhythmic tones. "With every colored star that's been CLASSIFIED!"

Billions proceeds to pronounce the star categories right in Wolf's face as she backs up and shrinks in her chair from their closeness. "We talkin' giants, subgiants, red giants, blue giants, luminous giants, very luminous supergiants, and less luminous supergiants-"

The rap kept going, but Chess glances at Kipo to see her trying to sneak off.

"Just gonna abandon the pack?" Dave forces her to halt with the question.

"What? I wasn't gonna, I...uh-"

"Just messin' with ya." Dave smiles. "Your alpha says do whatever you want."

Chess could see the smile on her face before she sneaks off. The Timber Cat wants to go with her but he'd probably catch more attention. He keeps himself occupied by savoring the remains of his steak as he didn't finish eating all of it. 

Eventually, the two wolves continued the rap after basically harassing Wolf. Everyone calmed down, and Chess continued enjoying his steak. However, Benson looks around and notices someone is missing.

"Where's Kipo?" his voice is urgent yet quiet.

"What?!" Wolf soon notices as well. Seeing that she is the one that didn't want Kipo to divert the plan, she's especially distraught. "No no, where is she?!"

"I told her she could check out the telescope-"

Wolf immediately jumps at Dave. "Are you crazy?!"

Even Mandu snaps at him with a quick bite.

Dave jerks his arm away as she glares accusingly with her two pairs of eyes. "Ow, chill out! It's not a problem!"

Chess shrunk and continued eating what was left of his steak. After all, he was the one that saw Kipo leave for the telescope besides Dave. Though he wouldn't be able to admit it since he can't talk. 

And before he knew it, he witnesses the concluding tense from Billions and Billions. "And that's everything we know about the known universe. The end!" followed by a mic drop.

Finding The Way Back (A Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant