[17]A Brief Reunion

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It's safe to say that things had worked out well after the whole part about splitting up from the group. Wolf had run away out of fear of what was happening to Kipo, and that she would hurt her. Chess understood that part as Benson is the one to piece together the details. Wolf herself never intentionally revealed her past, but it's Benson that managed to ask the questions that lead up to her view, all because of her experiences.

Frankly, she's still afraid of Kipo. But...she's tired of running.

Kipo, as compassionate as she always is, assures that she'll always be the same, even if her form would end up being different someday. But even then she admits she's not exactly optimistic about her changes.

Regardless, they managed to reconcile. And surprisingly, Wolf is the one to hug first! Chess had to smile a little at that notion, to see the one person who's distant finally opening up.

And now, they stand at the edge of the Trashcan Canyon, where grass as tall as trees grow, dandelions as big as houses bloom...


And...where Mega Dogs roam. There are 3 of them in the field. A corgi, rottweiler and...Chess thinks that's a Slovakian wirehaired pointer.  Chess would've freely offered Kipo and her friends a ride to the secret second Burrow-


If it weren't for the fact that she opened the can of tuna. It's a sign of trust if a Timber Cat ever gives a can of tuna to anyone. Open one, and any Timber Cat that hears it will immediately head there.

And also eat it...there's an extra rule or two when it comes to eating the tuna.


Speaking of which-


"No! No tuna for you!"

Wolf has been fending off Chess from eating the can ever since Kipo opened it. If there was one thing that Chess has with every other Timber Cat, it's that he loves tuna. In fact, they had to ban him from the tuna stash and hide it elsewhere because he keeps finding it somehow.

Actually, the "somehow" is actually caused by Yumyan, who kind of folds whenever Chess gives him the puppy eyes for tuna. Not always...but sometimes.

The hours passed on, with Wolf having to use her spear-wielding to deflect Chess's axes as he brandished them out of sheer frustration. Of course, Chess wasn't actually intending to hurt Wolf...


But Wolf stung him on the head with her spear, and now Chess is kind of...limp and glaze-eyed. And a welt has formed where he's been stung.

"He's going to be okay, right?" Kipo slowly approaches the sedated Chess.

"The venom won't kill him...I think." 

"You think?" Kipo questions.

"I'm more concerned on the fact of what it might do to his brain," says Benson. "He...does have brain damage after all."

"...Let's hope he doesn't die." Wolf murmurs, though she does look a little guilty.


"What?! Don't cure him yet, he'll try and take the tuna again!" Wolf objects.



Thankfully, the antidote isn't an immediate effect. Chess wakes up, but he's groggy and unable to move so fluently. It's more akin to drunken behavior than anything. Chess mumbles and babbles incoherent sounds as he's still glaze-eyed.

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