[23] This Place is Not a Place of Honor

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When Chess expected Piece and Bishop to converse, he thought it would be like a verbal conversation. Instead, they just flashed some lights for a few seconds and suddenly he realizes they just explained everything to one another.

Piece had mentioned it before, how Chess has a complimentary semi-synthetic nervous system used to help synchronize his mind and body with his chess pieces. From this, Chess caught a smidgeon of the dialogue. From what he did catch, Bishop apparently has some plans to make the hospital citadel more autonomous once she leaves. However, she didn't have the time to plan out properly since she was mainly busy with healing Mutes that came around and learning about the truth of the world.


"Yes," says Bishop. "As you can see, I cannot come with you. Nor could I stop you, even if I wished to do so. But, all I am asking is to fulfill one request before you leave."


Chess, just like everyone else, is completely left in the dust. Both fair folk, humans, and Mutes alike awkwardly stand there, wondering what they mean about the process.

"If I may," Scott intervenes. "What...are we doing exactly? I mean, no offense Miss Bishop, but as of now you haven't really mentioned what your plan was when you have to leave."

"Well...then perhaps it is time I showed you."

* * *

Frankly, Chess is not exactly part of the process. At least, not in any way that deems him to be necessary. Bishop is the one taking the shots while Piece is there to organize, plan, and execute maneuvers needed to fulfill her request.

And Chess is mainly there in case the chess pieces needed to be used. Which, in most cases, is just him waking around with the rag-tag group of fair folk, Mutes, and humans.

How much did he help?



Piece transforms herself into the familiar armored arm, hugging Chess's limb. He sighs in relief, knowing that Piece is back.


"Yeah, I'm ready."

Chess places his arm on the ground, palms as wide as he can. One of the lizard guards he met prior (whom he learned is named Gladius) has been tasked with the mission since they're one of the few that can do magic.

Magic, in of itself, has been lost to time. And while Chess really wants to learn it, there are no books regarding it.

Frankly, Chess didn't mind that he wouldn't be able to do magic. But his thoughts turn elsewhere, inward, into himself.

In himself, he turns to recent events. And one, in particular, kept giving him heartache. It was the painful memory of how his lack of a proper voice brought destruction to people who all they could do is run and hide.


Piece's voice temporarily snaps him out of his thoughts as he sees the lizard guard place his own scaled palms against the ground, and a series of vibrations gently rock the earth. Loose twigs, leaves, pebbles, and some animals shudder at the vibration.

From there, Chess feels Piece collecting data as she triangulates to a specific location. Piece gives him visual cues, an arrow in the sky points to a specific location. But judging by the distance, it's pretty far from the hospital.

Finding The Way Back (A Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now