[19] Timber Cat Tutorial

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Chess's chess pieces are still functional, manifesting mecha Pierre whilst his pawn piece tries and heal Piece. Piece, at her base form, reveals her complex mechanical innards, her pristine white body riddled with cracks that hug her like a noose. She has made no utterance since the conclusion of the fight, and Chess is met with silence as he focuses on getting his mecha Pierre back to the Burrow. Mecha Pierre short-circuits and stutters, so Chess resorts to the flea crawling across the earth before eventually making his way back.

Mecha Pierre crawls back to the Burrow and quickly reverts, leaving the damaged base form beside Chess as he puts it back in his inventory. But his damaged chess pieces aren't his biggest concern. 

Piece...he has to get Piece back...somehow.

Even with the pawn piece's healing, Chess quickly realizes that the king piece's rate of recovery is painfully slow. Admittedly, he could wait until the healing process is finished. But he doesn't know how long that would take.

And things that were in the shadows are finally in motion. So with that, he believes he doesn't have that much time to begin with.

Chess sighs solemnly and continues nursing Piece, sitting on a rubble pile and looking around to see what's happened. It seems Kipo got herself a flamingo Mute, and it appears she's planning to go after Scarlemagne with Dave by her side.  

She's also going to use Dave's molted...skin. Chess tries to keep that out of mind before it grosses him out. Especially since Mandu eats it.

That leaves Benson, Wolf, and Mandu with what appears to be what remains of the Burrow's population that managed to escape...and it's not a whole lot. Enough to count on one hand at least. On seeing that, the Timber Cat's ears flatten. The scenario could've been prevented if only...

If only...

If only he could talk...


It appears Kipo has left on her mission, leaving him with the remaining group. And it appears that Wolf is asking him something?

"Kipo asked us to bring those guys over to the Timber Cats." she continues, briefly mentioning the 3 humans hiding in the back of some standing debris. "And...well, you're a Timber Cat, so-"

Wolf blinks in seeing that Chess is nursing Piece. Her eyes widen slightly at the realization of her broken state. Benson seems to notice as well, his mouth covered in realizing what's happened.

"What happened?" urges Wolf.

Chess signs the following words.


"Oh...so that's what that black lion was." says Benson. "I...well...I can't believe you fought that thing all by yourself. I mean, you're still alive but...never mind..."

"Mmm..." Chess nods sorrowfully, keeping his face close to Piece.

Wolf looks to Benson, seeing that the Timber Cat is in a somber situation right now. But at the moment, another priority needs to be met, and Chess is the best example for it.


The tuxedo cat looks to Wolf, his sitting height rather equal to her own when standing. She looks off to somewhere to consider her words before sighing.

"I know you're priority right now is Piece. But...we need to help out Kipo with something."

Chess blinks, and Wolf continues.

"I know she means much to you. But right now, there's not much you can do for her at the moment. You're doing the best you can...so...in the meantime, help us out. Okay?"

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