[27] Apprenticeship and a Splitting of Groups

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Scarlemagne rides atop his flamingo chariot, a support force scouting before the objective point for danger and potential humans to enslave. Besides his own mount is Reina, who also carries Ryan the monkey with her. Despite the sudden apprenticeship, the mandrill didn't really pay much attention to the two. How Reina explained her way out of it is that she herself will need a support force, a sort of mini-Lioness that's her own pawn to help out with things. 

He was more concerned about that notion as it meant that Reina could straight up ignore him once she finished training Ryan. That and Ryan's own arsenal would still be miles below Reina's in terms of power, especially since the pieces still belong to her. Regardless, she saw something in Ryan as a "personal investment" as she called it. And she's been training him since the raid on that Kipo's Burrow.

"You're sure taking a liking to him," Scarlemagne comments. "Might I ask why?"

"He'll be a sufficient addition to my forces."

"But you said that your chess pieces are irreplaceable?"

"This is something I'm willing to use my resources on," Reina casts a side glance at the mandrill. "I think you know what pawn pieces can do, yes?"

"They can promote," Scarlemagne quickly puts the pieces together. "You can promote your pawn pieces?"

"Yes." Reina returns her eyes elsewhere. "What better way to face off against someone like Chess when there are two chess piece users of similar caliber?"

It was at least a sound theory. Scarlemagne may have the allegiance, but Reina is the one giving the weapons. And with a flick, she can take them away. Despite the current plan ongoing, he wonders if he can spin this new scenario to his advantage. 

However, there are other things to do for now. And it's to find that gold for his empire. There was also the Hospital, but since that was inaccessible due to "magic" (as preposterous as the word is), he'd have to settle with finding other sources.

"My lord!"

A colobine monkey approaches Scarlemagne from the side.

"What is it?"

"We located the objective."

"Any unwanted dissonance?"

"No sir, seeing as we are close to Deathstalker territory."

It's to be expected, but one couldn't be too careful.

"All right, gather half of our forces and concentrate it on the objective, the other half, continue as you are. We need the manpower to transfer the gold properly."

"Yes, my lord!"

And like a wave, the command swoops across all the troops in the field. Everyone except Reina, who flies off elsewhere with Ryan. Scarlemagne rolls his eyes. As long as they're not too bothersome, they won't need them for this mission. They've got all the tools they need.

* * *

Kipo's posse has been running from hiding spot to hiding spot since the flamingoes have been scouting the area with firefly lights. It's been a stressful hour, but at least they're slowly getting closer to the goal. 

As of right now, they're all hiding in an abandoned car. Being the tallest, Chess had to take the far end of the back of the car to fit in. Though once things were temporarily clear, he sees Wolf and Kipo looking outward.

"Fastest way to your parents' old Burrow's through there. Deathstalker territory." Wolf holds up the map.

And from what Chess can see, she must be referring to the giant Mega Mute bones that act as a tunnel into said territory.

Finding The Way Back (A Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن