[20] Heading to a Hospital

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Reina sighs, seeing that the amusement park ran by rats being ransacked of its materials and the eventual explosion from Scarlemagne bombing what remains of the place with a nectar bomb. The rabbit herself had given Fortune to Scarlemagne after tracking down and tranquilizing him, handing him to the mandrill.

"Since I can't get those goat sisters...yet, I can settle with two ferrets."

Though Scarlemagne got upset, practically yelling at her about why she killed the young ferret's brother, seeing that Fortune is deaf. She reassured him that her king piece can translate for her, so she saw no need for the older sibling. Scarlemagne sighed but otherwise let the whole thing pass. 

Once every enslaved human and primate Mute was out of sight, Reina heads to a particular building outside Ratland. From there...she waits.

And waits...

And waits...

Eventually, three distinct figures approach her. All three wear masks equivalent to animals. Two of them had rabbit-like masks, wearing cloaks of indigo, violet, and magenta. The last, and most important one, wears a darker cloak of deep dark blue and has a mask equivalent to a crow. They stare at her, and she stares at them back.

It's an alliance, an alliance of necessity. Because they share the same goals as her.

Dr. Emilia is someone who has the same goal as her where humans have to reclaim the surface. And if they have to destroy the Mutes to make that goal a reality, then it will be done.

"Hello, Dr. Emilia." Reina keeps her tone distinctly formal. "How have things been at the base?"

"We're tying things on our end," Dr. Emilia says behind her crow's mask. "And you?"

"I've been keeping up my alliance with Scarlemagne." Reina sighs. "And I've lost four chess pieces in the process."

"Which ones?" Emilia inquires. 

"Three pawn pieces and one rook piece." Reina summarizes. "So that leaves us with five pawn pieces, one knight piece, and one bishop piece. The bishop piece is still being used by Scarlemagne at this time."

"I see." Dr. Emilia sighs. "Well, at least we still got some chess pieces at our disposal. But I don't understand why you haven't given us to them yet."

"They're not needed at this time." Reina explains. "Scarlemagne is planning on his coronation. If we want to get as many humans as possible for the Resistance, then we need the process to continue."

"And I suppose us appearing with pawn pieces will quickly break your relation with Scarlemagne." Emilia ponders. "Then why not just wipe him out then? You have the means to do so."

"No." Reina firmly puts her foot on the ground. "I've been trained not to abuse the power given to me. This kind of plan may take a while, but it will at least avoid necessary bloodshed."

"Even when it was the Mutes who struck first?"

Reina provides no response, her eyes narrowing at the one behind the crow mask. She could feel Emilia trying to get under her skin and imagining there is a small smile under that face covering. They may share the same goals, even the same tenacity... 

..But it's clear that someone is more willing to draw the line than the other.

"I could do the bloodshed for you, you know." Emilia offers, one that she has offered many times. "Would that ease your conscience?"

"No." states Reina. "If we're going to continue our alliance, please let things play out."

"Hmmm..." Emilia considers, before nodding. "Alright. I expect you to be on our side when this all blows up."

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