[10] The Steed for Speed

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Upon seeing those signs, Fame and Fortune look rather pleasantly surprised. Fortune claps excitedly at the accomplishment. And Fame? He laughs...really hard. Chess feels his cheeks flush in embarrassment. Did he do it wrong?

"Oh man," Fame wipes a cheek from his tear. "Okay, I guess it's because your arm there is telling you how to sign."

"YOUR GUESS IS CORRECT." Piece confirms.

"Well, looks like you got some learning to do Chess," Fame sighs. "Still, you didn't do that bad. Sorry for the laugh."

"Ahaha..." Chess accepts the apology.

"Alright, Fame double taps Fortune's shoulder as he nods and takes the crystal ball out of its embroiled frame. "We have to get going and help others exit Ratland. You do...well..whatever you need to do."


The park is completely dark at this point as Chess's night vision kicks in. Fame and Fortune dash out of the tent, leaving Chess alone with the knight piece. Chess didn't need any incentive as he makes contact of the chess piece with his armored arm.


From the darkness came light. A pillar of luminescence bursts from the shelter of the tent, bathing a massive section of the dark Ratland in a light equivalent to a second sunrise. Three voices converse rapidly in his head, the knight piece floats towards him as Chess reaches out. The knight piece extends its guard and grip, Chess clasps his fingers around it. The pillar of light slowly collapses, centering down on the chess piece as he feels the weight pull his arm down before the king piece initializes its strength function, canceling the weight. Chess is left in darkness as his night vision makes itself known.


...Steed function? Eh...well, the knight piece is shaped like a horse; that makes sense in a way. If he remembers correctly, a steed is a horse. The problem is that he doesn't know how to ride a horse. And if it's only a horse...well...

He is so dead. Because all that light in the middle of the dark must've alerted all of Scarlemagne's invasion force. And he remembered; when Fame said that it's a target off their backs, Chess didn't think that it would immediately throw the target on his back. 

Well...he can't blame them. But he should've thought this through.

"Piece? I need to figure out how to use the Steed function."


*  *  *

"Man, three more weeks until retirement." the veteran chimpanzee Mute known as Miller sighs, the signs of age apparent in his voice.

"I-I've never done this before." a newbie monkey Mute admits. His name is Ryan and he's having a bit of trouble controlling his flamingo Mute steed.

"Don't worry, it gets easier." Miller calms the newbie. "Remember the three simple steps."

"Find a human, spray them, and bring them home." says Ryan

The veteran chuckles, satisfied by the memory of the monkey. "Good lad. Now then, let's-"


The two primates turn to see a massive pillar of light bursting from the ground, threatening to beat the night into submission. Many of the flamingo mounts reel and crow in distress but their primate riders kept them in check. While it made no sound, the suddenness and the imposing size of the pillar of light were like that of witnessing divine judgment.

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