[15] A Split Between Perspectives and Sights

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Ryan the monkey was last seen at Ratland, accidentally injuring himself and his platoon mate, Miller, after colliding with another remnant of their own attack force on the amusement park. The explosion of kinetic energy had injured all who had been impacted, the purple light and pain were the only things on their mind as consciousness left them.

As of now, Ryan's recovered...but...

Miller succumbed to his injuries in his sleep, seven days after the impact. Ryan was glad that he died and possibly dreamt of something before then.

Ryan's on his paid leave, the impact leaving him with a broken arm, leg, and his flesh mangled from the energy that crashed into his body like a semi-truck. But his flesh mostly recovered with bruises and some scars. He moves around slowly and awkwardly with a crutch, sitting on a bench underneath the great tree. He watches as controlled humans do their work, creating castes and filling a hollow tree with gold, all preparing for a particular moment that their leader has dreamed of.

A city of gold, dreams, and where Mutes will always be the rulers: Aurum.

That is what their leader, Scarlemagne, has envisioned. Ryan believes in that vision, especially with how things went for him in his own life and the echoes of his own family history. He sits there, wondering what to do next.

"May I sit with you?"

Ryan looks to find someone approaching him, a woman to be exact. Ryan nods and thus she sits down, quietly staying next to him. No words were exchanged, for the first few minutes at least.

"I heard the operation was a failure." she says, her voice is low and lacking much emotion.

"Yeah." is all Ryan could say, his head low.

"And I gave you the piece as insurance."

The monkey feels a lump form in his throat. The presence of her suddenly changed, and he didn't like the atmosphere. It felt like someone just cocked back the hammer of a revolver and is aiming right at him.

"Yes, I...I failed in that. And...I killed my comrade."

"You believed it was your fault," she states. "Am I right?"


"I see. And the piece was decommissioned as a result. The fall damaged the pawn piece beyond repair. A shame, really."

Ryan doesn't like the fact that she's so casual about the loss. It contradicted previous statements. How they are "irreplaceable".

"Are you...mad at me?"

The turn of her face, along with the emotionless stare, is something that sent chills down his spine. She sighs but continues looking beyond the monkey, towards the humans who work about almost quietly with no complaint.

"No," she says. "Just disappointed."

Guilt fills his heart as he looks down, sullen. "I'm sorry."

Silence passes again, but is cut short by a question.

"What did he have?"

Ryan knows what she's talking about and thus answers briefly.

"His left arm had armor, he was holding a pawn piece, and he was riding a giant white metal flea."

"I see," she closes her eyes before slowly opening them again. For a moment, Ryan saw something dance in her eyes like fireflies before she turns to him.

"I have a mission for you," she says. "I want you to scout for him, alone."

"Me? But, why alone?" Ryan gawks. "And, don't you see I'm-"

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