[25] Back in time for Brunch

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During his time away...it appears a lot has happened. After managing to track down Kipo and her posse, Chess found himself quickly given a hug and a warm welcome back into the group. It also took a bit of time to explain both sides of their story.

Kipo had to meet some goats who gave her a prophecy. That whole jaguar thing she has? She can evolve into something greater. But if she does it without an "anchor", she will lose control of it. They pointed her in the direction of her old Burrow, saying they'd find the anchor there.

When it came to Chess explaining his side of events...




"Since when was there a hospital?!" Benson complained. "You know how many injuries and close calls I had to get out of?! And mainly because of Dave?! If I knew such a place existed then I would have gone there sooner!"

"Hey! Don't act like it was always my fault!" Dave defends.

"That's why I said mainly!" 

Mandu, for the most part, had no real idea what Chess was talking about. But she did seem concerned due to everyone else freaking out.

"I mean...it's just history," Wolf tries to play down everything Chess said. "Really weird history...but history. It's in the past."

"I mean if I knew such things existed back then, I would have loved to learn how they saw the stars and astronomy," Kipo also took the information pretty well. "I hope I get to see those people you talked about though."


They're quite nice people after all, but there are other things to focus on. Right now, they're still on the trail to finding the Burrow. And Dave has a plan...

Benson has also pointed out that plans made by Dave tend to get weird...

But since no one else has anything better...



They're all following along. Dave mentioned that Brunchington Beach has two rules but...kind of forgot what the 3rd one is. And the lack of knowledge is digging at pit in the tuxedo cat's hungry stomach.

"I'm getting weird vibes, Dave. You sure this is safe?" says Benson.

"I"m like eighty percent sure," Dave chuckles. "Sometimes seventy. But right now it feels like a sixty, but it can go back up...but right now we at forty-five."

"Mmmh..." Chess did not like those chances.

But the sudden shrill of a harmonic voice snaps his mind out of the game of chances.

"Kipoooooooooo~ listentowhereIam-"

"Is someone...singing for me?"

Chess rushes with the group as they hide behind a truck.

"You're down heeere I need you to be heeere for Kipo~" 

Chess sees the sight of multiple people in costumes. From what he can tell, they're supposed to be Kipo, Benson, Wolf, and the Newton Wolves. There also appears to be...a costume of him? It's sitting idly with the many props. They dance in a charade as-


The voice behind the Kipo costume becomes shrill and enraged. The cosplayers stop before the person continues.

"Billions, you're slacking. And you missed your costume change, and it's like we haven't been rehearsing for the past three days." they sound very disappointed about their performance.

Finding The Way Back (A Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ